Chapter 12 : Vytal Festival! Investigation!!

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Alex and the whole team from his nest were in a spare room that the school prepared for the investigation

Alex : Okay team...we're here to investigate any missing information on all CCT across Remnant...if any of you find anything suspicious in the files..immediately report it to me

The team that was consisted most people from Talon's Nest

They all nodded and began to dive into their own work
Alex sat in front of the computer and began to search the archives from Beacon CCT

Alex kept finding nothing out of the ordinary as all of the secret data was intact until...

Alex : Vault??

He clicked open the file and it turned out...


Alex was in shock looking at the computer

Alex : Damn it....this has to be important...

Alex managed to repair the files but only recovered some parts of it...the rest was some random codes and's already illegible..

Alex : Alright...time to figure out what do you have in here...

Alex began to analyze each part that was still readable
He found out that something big will happen at the arena

He scanned the file and sent it to Ironwood
Couple seconds after that...
Ironwood's face appeared on the screen

Ironwood : Is this the lead you get??

Alex : Yes sir...most of the Beacon CCT files has been erased due to a fake folder...but I could only recover partial of it

Ironwood : How many?

Alex : Less than 20%

Ironwood : the condition??

Alex : The rest is intact but nothing out of the ordinary...this is the one the mysterious lady sent...

Ironwood : possible receiver??

Alex : let me's written Steen E.L Wichs

Ironwood : That name seems unfamilliar...

Alex : Want me to investigate??

Ironwood : I appreciate that son...but you should train need to focus on the fight...

Alex : but-..

Ironwood : I know you are concerned about it...but don't worry...the whole team will take care of it...

Alex : I just...don't want anything happen to Weiss....their target is the arena....and who else might be the target besides Weiss Schnee??? *looks down and clenches fists*

Ironwood : could be you

Alex : you made me feel unsafe about myself...

Ironwood : Alex...I know about your concern...I really do...if you there and protect her...understand??

Alex : ....I...guess...*low tone*

Ironwood : As far as I know, during your childhood, your brother always take you to Atlas for your early training...physical, mental and even intellectual test...I even consider you as my own son..and subordinate...

Alex : are right...

Ironwood : cheer up and train soldier...we will have a busy day tomorrow...

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