Chapter 15 : Loneliness

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Few months after the fall of Beacon....
Everything changed...

Ruby was on an expedition with JNPR and Rena also followed by her uncle Qrow Branwen

Yang in the other hand was sent home by her father after he found out that her arm was lost and also she wanted to search for her mother

Blake was currently living in peace in Menagerie, safe from all harm but missed her old team

Weiss was locked in the house and forbid her to go out from the Schnee Property

Since the loss of Nicholas, Winter's behaviour changed, she was still in the military...but instead being a strict person she became soft....she even tolerate any kind of mistakes that her men made and she always went home drunk while carrying a flask of liquor she even let her hair loose unlike her usual style

In Weiss' room, she was just curling into a ball, didn't talk, didn't eat and didn't come out for almost a week
She became like this just because of few months earlier

She wanted to see Alex but her father was forcing her to go back home

-Talon's Nest-
Alex was in his bedroom after he got discharged about 2 months ago but he didn't know about it because he was comatose during treatment in the hospital, a bandage was wrapping around his head, covering his eyes

He was wearing the same clothes from the hospital
He barely moved from his bed because he couldn't see anything
He still remember about what happened back at Beacon, images of Nicholas' death was a total nightmare for him

He got seperated from the team
No words from his friends
He got no one on his side despite his parents were here
But he need someone who was special for him, Weiss....

Lots of speculation filled inside his head
Why she wasn't around when he needed her
His mind was smothered by anxiety

But what could he do? He couldn't do anything...being blind was his major drawback

As he was drowned deep into his thoughts, someone opened the door

Alex : Who's there??

Aurora : Hello my son....

Alex : Mom...

Aurora : How do you feel...are you hungry??

Alex : ....where am I mom? Where is Weiss??

Aurora : You got discharged from the hospital 2 months ago....and...we haven't seen her yet...

Alex : What do you mean?

Aurora : since you got hospitalized....Weiss was nowhere to be seen..we only saw you by yourself in the hospital...

Alex : So...she refused to see me??

Aurora : Don't be like that son...Weiss probably wanted to see you...maybe she had some urgencies before doing it so...

Alex : That's not true....Weiss is a person that always consider me as her first priority than her urgencies....

Aurora : Son...listen...

Alex : Where is she mom?

Aurora : Calm down so-...

Alex : Where is Weiss???

Aurora : Son, I-...

Alex : Weiss?? WEISSS??!! WEISSS?!!

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