Chapter 11 : Vytal Festival! Prom Night Fiasco

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It was Prom night
Lots of people were present there
Various students did their respective roles, some were welcoming the guests, some gave them souvenirs, some acted as the security and some guarded the food and beverages stall

Alex was the one who prepared this, he made the school looked like a 5-Star Hotel!
He checked the entire staff which was his friends until...

Nicholas : Alex!

Alex : Big Brother!

Alex ran to them and hugged him

Alex : I never thought you actually came here!

Nicholas : After I heard that you are the hero of the day..I decided to pay you a visit

Charles : You're making us proud son...

Aurora : My little snow cub is a heroo!!

Alex : M-Mom!

Then Lily came out behind Nicholas and hugged Alex

Lily : Nii-chan is my hero~!!

Alex hugged her then pat her head

Alex : Only you all??? Usually where ever you go, The Schnees also come...

Nicholas : You aren't wrong...

Alex leaned to the right and saw that Jacques, Winter, Klein and Whitley also came by

Winter was dressed in blue long dress and clinged into Nicholas

Alex : Wait...don't tell me you two...

Nicholas : Dating? Of course you idiot...

Alex : Since when???!!

Winter : Well...since the colosseum incident...

Alex : That was weeks ago!

Winter : Yep...

Alex : Oum I feel like I'm already an old person, time flies very fast until I didn't realized it

Nicholas : Thay's what happen when you have fun with your friends here...

Alex : Very well then, all of you please come in! Welcome to Beacon Prom Night!

Alex gave them a small tour about all of his work on peparing the prom

Alex : All of this is based on our sweat and hardwork...even we hired the best chef in whole Remnant

Aurora : Don't tell me...

Alex : Yes mother...Gordon Ramsay is here!

Alex took them on a nearby table and seated them
Alex headed to the kitchen and then came back with a male in his 40's wearing a chef outfit and carrying a trolley of food

Alex : Alright, the feast for you is here...

Ramsay placed each dishes and they were served with a 7 course meal
And it was the best made food by a world class chef

Alex : Dig in...

Aurora : Before I dig in...I need to know Mr. Ramsay's personal opinion on my son's effort on this party

Ramsay : Only one word that I could say....Wonderful

Aurora : Oh my, really now??

Ramsay : This kid here...the head committee managed to make a school prom looked like an absolute solid 5 star hotel

Alex : Thank you a lot Mr. Ramsay...

Ramsay : Alright, i should head back to the kitchen now

After the dinner Alex let go of his role as the head committee and instead he's became the student who also wanted to join the prom
He glanced at the others, they already had their own respective pairs

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