Chapter 21 : Revelations

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Alex went silent when she said that
She held her hand and smiled gently

Alex : With all my life, I love her...and I like living with her....I wish I could say that I love you more...but fate says no

Viridian sighed and smiled, she accepted it, despite she was rejected, she wasn't like any clichè jealous girls that always got what they wanted
She's a tough, patient and reliable girl

Viridian : I understand Alex, I really do...but if you allow me, let me cooperate with you, I want to help you...

Alex : sounds good!

Viridian : But in the other hand...

Alex : Yes?

Viridian : Let me work with you...I-I need a job though...

Alex : Well hold on, I'll talk to my wife..

Alex walked out from the cell and headed to Weiss

Weiss : What is it Alex?

Alex : She's making a demand, she's willing to help me..but for the catch, she will work with me..

Weiss : Work with you, what are you talking about?

Alex : She need a job, she was formerly a guns-for-hire, and she decided to stop all of those

Weiss : Hmm, I think I'm agree with you, she seemed so innocent, I can see it from her eyes, she didn't want to use any violence unless she have to...

Alex : Good, thanks Weiss...
Alex gave her a peck on her cheeks which caused her to blush

She smiled as seeing Alex headed back to the cell

Alex : Alright, Vi...You're hired...

Viridian : As?

Alex : You're one of the Talon's private bodyguard

Viridian smiled brightly and then hugged Alex a bit tight and nuzzled under his neck
Alex blushed a bit as he gently pushed her away from him

Alex : Alright, let's get down to the cover this person identity..I need you to be my informant...

Viridian : Informant eh..let me guess, Trojan Horse style?

Alex : Trojan Horse...*chuckles* you still read that strategy tactics book that was given by Ironwood?

Viridian : Always...okay, back to the topic...You want me as a Trojan Horse

Alex : Yes, keep working with this person...and I'll give you a fake data about the project...A copy of Project Arc that was bugged with a tracker

Viridian : You want me to plant it-...

Alex : On the person's Databanks-...

Viridian : So you track the person-...

Alex : And finish him on sight-...

Viridian and Alex blushed and chuckled together
After the plan was set, he took Vi back to the vault and made a copy of the Project Arc
But he only copied half of the project and replaced the other half with a bug that act as a trojan horse

Alex : Here you go Vi...from now on, act as my informant...please I need to stop this, this person has done many things to my life...and also Weiss

Viridian : I promise Alex, and I'm glad I can meet you again

Alex : Me go!

Viridian smiled and nodded as he took the file and headed back to Dante's mansion...

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