Chapter 18 : Birth Of A Blind Warrior

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-Talon's Nest-

Talon's Dojo
A place for specific training, only Aurora had an access to this place...and now Alex was going to train here too

Aurora was wearing a dashing white Kimono with some shades of blue-ish purple on it

Aurora was wearing a dashing white Kimono with some shades of blue-ish purple on it

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(Author DK : This is what she wear and also this is what she looks like

Author PapaSlav : Mama Talon huehuehuehue

Author DK : Hush! This is our reader's mom!)

She also guided Alex to the Dojo and closed it behind her

Alex : Where are we mom?

Aurora : My dojo...only I can go here...this place reminds me my old days where Amaterasu usually trained me...

Alex : You were trained here??

Aurora : Till this time yes...but before...I was training in a shrine and became a shrine maiden once....but I quit and married to your father...

Alex : I see

Aurora : Enough

Alex tried to reached her hand and he felt that he was holding a hilt

Alex : Is this a sword?

Aurora : Not a sword dear...A Katana...but a bamboo katana...when you mustn't use a steel one...or else you have a death wish to fulfill

Alex : *gulp*

Aurora : me your fighting stance...

Alex did his usual fighting stance but immediately hit by Aurora in the head using a bamboo rod

Alex : Ouch! What's that for?!

Aurora : Wrong your legs about shoulder wide then bend your knees until making a 90° angle

Alex followed her directions then walked closer

Aurora : Good...hold the hilt of the Katana using both hands and placed the blade near your shoulder

Alex kept followed her instructions and with some minutes he managed to get a foot on it

Aurora : Good...since you already know the basics, you are ready for the training

Alex : wait...that wasn't the training?!

Aurora : Of course not silly...come on..follow me...this time I won't guide you...find your own way...

Alex : wait!

Aurora : Mastering blind fighting...must master your surrounding only using sound...

Alex gulped and then walked slowly by following Aurora's voice only
He was nervous yet excited at the same time

He kept walking until he felt a grass on his feet

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