Announcement 3 : IMPORTANT

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De Keizer is currently out from the building right now
Probably back to Fenris and burned down some heretics

But he left me here to be your personal author-kun for a while and he left me a message...

*grabs a hologram projector*

"My dearest readers, I apologize for not by your side right now, I have to go back to my planet and purge the heretics of my homeworld..

I will let my assistant to take over my drawing board and continue my progress...I'll be back soon enough I promise!

Now your duty, my fellow readers...I need your permission...
I need you all to send me your best OC, because the best will be featured in this story...

The ones that I need are
1. Alex's companion after the fall of Beacon (SPOILER : 2 People gonna die)
2. Alex's informant
3. Dante's team (SPOILER : his old team is dead during battle of Beacon) PS : since it's a team, I need 3

That's all I need...
If you all reply this I appreciate it
And if you sent me one through PM or comments on this part of story I'll thank you all for eternity!!

De Keizer
P.S : Watch UndergroundSlavParty here...he's...waaaay to uncontrollable with his Vodka..."

And that's why I need you all to participate here

Also De Keizer is such a Блят! (Blyat!)
Uncontrollable with Vodka?
Who does he think I am? I'm SlavParty here!

And that's all everyone!
Stay slav!


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