Chapter 5 : Painful Yet Beneficial

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Alex just glanced sideways avoiding any eye contact as he breathes slowly

Marvin : Alex..who did this to you

Alex just shook his head signalling he had no idea who attacked him
Weiss headed to his side and he just glanced the other way

Marvin : Alex...why are you avoiding Weiss? I thought you both are friends

Alex just remain silent and ignoring his question

Marvin : ....Alex...

Alex just kept silent

Weiss : Alex...

Alex : Don't....please...

Marvin : Hey...why are you like that

Alex : It's still painful don't touch...sorry I had to lie to you Marvin...but I can't tell you why...

Marvin : Oh I see, how are you?

Alex : Still alive...I should school

Marvin : You sure you're okay??

Alex : Yeah...just...don't let the team know...I don't want them to worry...

Marvin : I got your back don't worry...well...I'll go now...Weiss, you're coming??

Weiss : Yeah...I'll be right behind you don't worry..go on first...

Marvin : Okay then

Marvin left the room, leaving Weiss and Alex alone
Alex just sighed as Weiss tried to grabbed his hand but Alex forbid it

Alex : Stop...just...stop okay...

Weiss : Why are you being so cold to me

Alex : Stop...okay?? I...I don't want to be in between of your relationship

Weiss : Alex...I...

Alex : Weiss...please...

Weiss : Can we...still be friends??

Alex : ....I don't know...

Weiss : Please....if it means to break up with Flynt....then I'll do it!!

Alex : Don't be stupid....It'll only ruin your reputation.....look..maybe your father wanted you to marry me....but..deep inside you can't accept are afraid of what people think about you when you marry me....A great heiress married a faunus??? Then...all of your fame and reputation lost....

Weiss : think all of this just because of me....

Alex : I didn't say that...

Weiss : saying as if it was my fault...

Alex : Look...I don't blame you...if you really into me then do me this favor : Stay with Flynt...and don't come to me...anymore...

Weiss : Alex...

Alex : No more more tiger....we are not friends...just a mere acquaintance.......

Weiss : ....*sheds tears* Idiot....You are an IDIOT!!!!

Weiss stormed off from the room and left Alex alone....
Alex sighed in and shed some tears he glanced at the window where there was a vase with Edelweiss flower blooming

Alex : It's a painful...yet...beneficial's a pain to leave you Weiss...but...I saved you...too....from what people thinking about you in the future...

Marvin heard all of their conversation, in fact he didn't leave in the first place, he just used his semblance and using the hospital's wall as the medium of the camouflage

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