Chapter 2:LA is a good place to forget

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As the taxi slow down, the driver honk. I jump a little. My mouth form a frown.

Sheesh, he can just open the door and call me. Or he can just stop in front of me seriously.

The driver comes out, revealing a good looking young man around his late twenties. Tall, high cheekbones and fair skin.He smiles as he walks towards me.

"So you're the lady who called me earlier?" He asks, his hands already reaching for my bag.

"Yes, and I have a plane to catch so can you um.. I dunno, drive faster or something?" I request.

"I'll transform that Mitsubishi into Ferrari for you miss." He said with a wink. I try my best not to gag.

I sit in the back seat as he loads in my trunks into the boot. He climbs in when he is done.

My phone buzzes. When I check it, I got a text from Pyka.

Pyka: Where r u?? It's 8!!
Me: Don't worry I'm on my way.
Pyka: Stop it with all your WDW pun would you??!! Anyway, what's your ride?
Me: Meh, I'm living for puns. Umm a cabbie. Why?
Pyka: Mkay. The tube are bleurgh. So the driver's hot or not?
Me: Just bcuz there was this one kid barf on your boots on the tube once doesn't mean you can say they're bad really.
Pyka: That kid's stupid. Anyway, answer my question!!!

I glance at the driver. He caught my eyes and smile tentatively. I lower my gaze, blushing furiously.

Me: Kinda good looking, I guess.
Pyka:  Kinda good looking??That's all?? Srsly? I need more! MORE. Describe him!

I sigh before starting to type. Every single moment I will glance at him for a good measurements.

Me: He is on he's mid or late twenties, I guess. Tall, high cheekbones, fair skin. And dark curly hair. Angelic face, almost baby face. Not a smoker that I'm sure. Pink lips and no smoke smell. What do you want now? His shoe size? His birthday?
Pyka: Oh my gosh. You got a hot one! What a lucky way to start your day! I'll love his number,tho.
Pyka:Ooh! A cute guy approaching me! Gotta go! I'll send his pic later!

I sigh. That is sooo Pyka. Forgetting a friend when hot guys around. But she just play with them. She always stick with us her girl best friends at the end.  Friend before men. Harsher to say(and a little bit, uncomfortable)-- chicks before dicks.My mind drift to our sweetest memory when the hot driver guy talk to me.

"Miss, are you um....Park Moon Ae? As in Moon Park? Pretty Pieces? Like, you know, the duo that sings Guardian Angel?" He approaches me like a rabbit approaching a tiger to ask for directions.

I hide my smile at that thought as I answer him. "Yep, that's me. And I wrote the lyrics myself. With other people's help of course. But basically, I wrote them myself"

Oops, I bragged. Accidentally okay. I am so totally not a braggart. Is that even a word?

Instantly he brighten up."  Oh My God! I can't believe a celebrity riding my cab! Can I have your autograph please?"

Touched by his eagerness, I smile and nod. When we reach a traffic light,he turns around. A marker pen in his hand. And a book on the other hand.

" Here, can you sign my book?"

"I'm not the author. It's kinda rude you know." My eyebrows furrow.

He frowns before his face lightens up. "Why don't you sign my shirt instead?"

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