Chapter 3 : Irrelevant Dream is kinda juvenile.

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Glad you're still here. Anyway, this chapter is from Mike POV. I'll tell you who's him later.

He didn't like irrelevant dream. Hated it in fact. You know what kind of dream. The kind of dream where you dream something unrealistic and unacceptable by both logical and mentally. That means by unnacceptable, even by yourself. It was called a juvenile dream. And in case you were wondering, no. He didn't created the word. Even though he would love to.

Your head exploded enough? No? Yes? Well, anything your answer is, he didn't care.  Because he hated it so much. Here, let him threw a few examples for all idiots like you out there. (Yeah, he was harsh. But he didn't give a fu--. P/s:He didn't need a string of colourful language brighten his dream by the way. It was crazy enough.)

First the kind  of dream when you dreamed you have superpowes. Like, you could fly and whatnot. And like, you dreamed bashing some super evil guy and everyone were cheering you for that. Pfft, right. You dreamed you been a hero or a villian or something like that. Not that it  mattered anyway. So that kind of dream. As if you could be a hero. (If he could scoff right now, he would.)

And second was the kind of dream that was based on your desire. Like (smirk), getting a very hot, smart, kind, popular cheerleader as a girlfriend. Think that would ever happen? Would came true, though. Only if you were those stupid, cocky, trustfund baby, hot, popular jock. Then, that was not just a dream.

You get that now? The kind of dream that both unrealistic and would never came true. That was what irrelevant dream-slash-juvenile dream meant.

And it seemed like he was having one right now. So dear readers, he, Michael Dexter Besson, invited you guys to step in into it. Welcome to the type of dream that he hated so much.


Research have said there were three types of people when it came to dream.

First group, were the kind of people who saw their own dream as third point of view. They were in the dream, but they could only watched. Like they were watching movies. Horror, romance, humor or not, depended on the movie playing.

Second clump, the kind of sad-lyfe people. They saw their dream in first person point of view. They were the main character, they played the role. If the dream were  horror genre, the person would felt scared. If the main character of the dream ran, they too, would run. Usually this type were having pressure and unhealthy mental life.

And yes, according to research too, the main character of our dream usually were us. Of course. Now, let us proceed, shall we?

And the last but not least were the type of people who could control their dream. These type of people were free in their dream. They could change the scenes, saw them in any point of view and even talk and think in it. This type of people got a powerful brain. Means, maybe they were a little hard to hypnotised.

Proudly to say, usually Mike was the third group. But in this dream, it was a little weird. It was well........ Complicated.

He dreamed of holding hands with a girl.

And he was so shocked. He didn't hold hands with girls! Not even with his girlfriends!

Even when they did, it was awkward. Sweetly awkward of course.

When he dreamed these irrelevant-slash-juvenile kind of dream, usually he would contol it. Quickly changed the point of view or slipped into another better scenes.

He trusted his instinct. He did the first thing that came across in his head. He tried to pull his hand away. The thing they were doing right now gave him goosebumps.

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