Chapter 11: Yeah, like you.

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Clichéd life of Moon Park. Lol.

I smile at Pyka. I actually don't understand what she's talking about. I mean, how can jealousy hangs on the air? Hehe, kidding. I know what that one means. But whose jealousy? I think we're just having fun and pretty laid back. Like, we're just chilling around, right? This is our first and third meeting, isn't it a little bit too early for jealousy?

Pyka stares at me as my mind wanders off. "You don't understand, don't you?" She asks, busting me as she narrows her eyes.

I blush, knowing that I am busted. "No! I- I- Of course I understand!" I lie.

Pyka narrows her eyes more. She doesn't say anything because her eyes says everything.

I sigh. There's no use lying to my own best friend. "Fine. No, I don't. Care to explain?"

She shakes her head. "No." She answers simply.

"Meanie." I pout.

"Whatever Moon, whatever." She laughs.

"Now, go to sleep Moon. Saturday will come with just a blur of busy days." She strokes my hair softly.

"Mm hm, good night Pyka." I mumble into the pillow.

Just before I drift away, I hear Pyka says something but I am far too tired to make it out.


As always, Pyka is right. Saturday does comes in just a blur of busy days.

I am sitting on our bed, looking at our stuff that are already packed and ready to be picked up in no time. My finger are already red from zipping all those luggages and bags. I scroll through my Instagram, liking all Why Dont We related post on my explore. Then I come across with a post of Pretty Pieces fan account. I smile and like it, it is our picture from our last showcase here in LA. The caption reads, 'Best show ever. Moon is so kind towards her fans. I really love her.❤️' Quickly I comment on it, knowing that she will love it. Afterall, we need to appreciate our fans, right? 'Thank you so much! You're too kind!'

I hit the button post as Pyka jumps onto the bed. She snatches my phone out from my hand, making me yelp out loud.

"Pyka! That was so unnecessary!" I yelp.

"Unnecessary? Seriously Moon?" She says with a pissed look.

I cross my arms to her. "Now, Pyka. Don't you give me that look. What's up?"

She looks at me as if I grow a third head. "What's up? What's up? You're asking me that?!" She is officially screaming now.

"Pyka what is wrong with you?!" I yell back.

"Moon for the love of God! It's 6 PM already! And the party starts at 8!!!" She shakes my shoulders.

Huh? "So?"

"So? So?! We got only two hours to get ready!!" She outrages again.

"Okay, okay! Now stop shaking me! We'll get ready now!" I scream over her loud screeches.

She finally let me go with a huff. "Cmon. We got a lot of stuff to do. First, spa."


And that, ladies and gentlemen, how Park Moon Ae dies. She dies from exhaustion in order to get ready to go to a party.

Pyka comes out from the bathroom, smacking her pink lips.

"It's perfect enough, Pyka." I say to her.

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