Chapter 7: Oh, okay.

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Sorry if this chapter is kinda meaningless.

As we return to our room I lay in  my bed.

Zach's jacket still wrapping my petite body. It is obviously a few size too big for me but I like it. And it smells good, too. Like laundry soap and hot cocoa. I love it. When he helped me wear it, his warmth still lingers on the jacket.

I am sooo lucky! I almost switch my lane, but I remind myself that I know Why Dont We because of Corbyn. And I always like him ever since.

I roll into the marshmallow (soft, comfy and white) matress. A grin plastered on my pretty face. "Am I dreaming Pyka? Did Zach really gave his jacket to me?"

Pyka stands beside the bed. Her phone in her hand. She knows how much I love Why Don't We, which is a lot. What a shame we can't have lunch with them.

"Not you're not, Korry. And shut up about the jacket now, or else I am so going to rip it apart and burn it to ashes." She smiles sweetly as she says it.

I pout but it vanishes in a second. My grin comes back easily. Pyka's spiteful comment didn't seems to effect me. Not even a bit. Okay maybe for a second.

I let my memories come surface. It swims happily and is making my mind peaceful and full of bubbly happines. 10 minutes ago is the best thing that ever happened to me. I snuggle some more into Zach's jacket. I giggle at the memory of us whispering. It is so cute and intimate. I love it.

I let my mind having a throwback. How Jonah's eyes looking at me with full of guilt. How Corbyn looked at me with such curiosity, excitedly talking to me. How cute Zach looked when he was all blushing and flustered.

And OMG! I still can't believe he keeps a video of me singing in his phone! And how he always watch it before he goes to sleep. I mean, it is me who always do that. Well, the boys not just him. But still! He keeps a video of me! And he gave me his jacket to cover my shirt! Sigh. This thing is so gonna change my lane.

Maybe it's not a total cute meet, but I think it is cute enough! But hmm... When am I going to meet him- oops, I mean them again. He said we will meet again. But how?! I don't even leave my number! I face palm myself hardly. Pyka looks at me oddly.

Argh. I hate it when stuff like this happens. I'm too excited when he gave me his jacket I forgot to give him my number. But I can't leave my number like that. People will think otherwise. And my career will fall apart. I don't want that to happen.

My career. That is always my problem, but I won't change my priority. (Hehe. Perfect.) I love my job, so I need to keep going. I can't and won't let simple and tiny stuff block my way. Like I've said before, I won't let anybody blocks my way, not even my destiny. If my destiny means I need to stop doing the things I love.

And then my mind wanders away. Far far away where I am for real this time married to one of the boys and having children. Living an awesome life. My mind keeps swimming far far away. But then Pyka's voice pulls me back to my root.

She sits on the bed. Her hand ruffles her wet hair. She took a shower? How can I missed that? And I think I just wandering off a few minutes. I don't even hear the running water! Much the door opens and closes. Hmm, I must be wandering too far.

"So, modelling agency. Which is which?" She asks me.

I sit up, back straight, chin up. Daydreaming time is over. Time for job. I pull my mind tie it onto it's root to keep it from wandering off. I peel it slowly. (No violence here. No mind is abused in the making of this scene.)

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