Chapter 13: Pancakes and Distraction

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"Am I right?"
"You're not wrong."
"Do you think that's cute?"
"Do you find that's cute?"

Guess the movie, pleaseeeeee!!!!

I wake up by the familiar ringtone of mine.

When I open my eyes, I see an unfamiliar rose coloured ceiling.

'Isn't it suppose to be white in our hotel room?' is what popped into my mind.

So I sit up on my fluffy bed. And what I see make me more confused. A room with just a few furniture like a chair, a walk in closet, a simple table and a sofa.

And then I chuckle. Of course. I've moved to the Why Dont We boys house. I smile and hop out of the bed, ready to start my morning.

Slowly I creep into the toilet, wishing that nobody is awake yet. I mean, it's 8.00 a.m right? And even though nobody is drunk, they must be pretty tired from all the dancing we did.

I wash my face with cold water. Scrubbing the grime and oil out of my face calms me. Scrubbing my face slowly and gently. And then I reach for my toothbrush and brush my pearl white teeth quietly.

After I'm done, I creep downstairs very very very stealthily as I don't want anybody in this house to wake. I tip toed to the kitchen and immediately impressed.

"Quite big." I whisper to myself. "Just like what it looks in You and Me At Christmas mv." And with my own commentary, I giggle controllably.

I quickly walk toward the nearest cupboard and open it. A tweak of disappointment tweaks in my heart when I see the cupboard is empty. Just a pack of untouched ramen and a box of half through Cap'n Crunch. Hmm. Seriously? What does these guys eat? But then, I really can't blame them. They're boys, they don't cook. Call me sexist, but that is the truth, am I right?

I open the fridge, only to be disappointed again. Only a carton of milk stood there, alone. But my hand feels something and I see a few numbers of eggs. But that's it. I shake my head in disbelief again.

They practically have nothing in their kitchen. No flour, no cocoa powder, no nothing! How can they stand eating take out food all the time. I mean, I've done that when I was on tour this one time and we have only little time to eat so our manager just order some Chinese or chitpole. I know, but sometimes Michelle eats too many chitpole that she've falling in love with it. So she thought it will be nice if we eat it for a week straight. Let me tell you, it is not. Quoting a comic I read when I was a little girl, 'I'll die if I hafta eat another cup O noodles again.' But well, it's Chitpole or Chinese. But Chinese is good though. If I prepare it myself. The store bought one is too bland and not so Chinese-y. The sweet and sour wings? Urgh. They don't even seasoned it with yellow rice wine. See? I am not a Chinese yet I can cook better than them.

Okay, I've talk a lot. Let's get back to business.

I take my phone out of my pocket and unlock it. Quickly, using this really cool app to search grocery stores, I search for the nearest grocery store. Quickly I type in Hollywood Hill and hmm.... The nearest is blocks and blocks away.

I sigh heavily. Oh Lord.... I still have no vehicle! Does that means... I guess it means I have to walk then. Fun. I can't wake any of them up. No I won't! This is a surprise I planned for them. Sighing for the second time, I rush (quietly) upstairs and grab for my purse. Then I jog to the door and reach for the knob. Then, suddenly it's twisted on it's own. My heart drops, and when it creaked open I squeal and lost my balance.

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