Chapter 8: Well, I've told you I was wrong.

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Just to clear up: no wdw boys here. Sorry!

I suck a deep breath. My feet doesn't seems to be wanting to cooperate with me. I command it to move, swinging it forward, but it didn't budge. Okay, so maybe I just need to be calm.






Oh shut up Park. Get over it. And quick! Move your ass now!

O- okay.

Gale...... I'm going to act with Gale. Gale, the cute taxi driver. Gale, whom happened to be the owner of faces that were just inches away from mine just a few weeks ago. Gale, who I blew away just after a lousy one try. Gale, who I  never ever expect will I meet again. Well, I've told you I was wrong. But it is unexpected really.

This is one crazy hella month. First, I met Why Dont We boys. Then a one-- two hella crazy busy weeks. And now this.

I let out a heavy sigh. My feet finally agreed to obey my command and move forward. I'm here alone today. Stanford dropped me a few minutes ago (okay fine, 20 minutes ago. Im stucked outside. Not my fault okay, I'm nervous!) He needs to drives Pyka to her own photoshoot. She is now modelling for this one boutique. For autumn collection. I'm so jealous of her. She is modelling for fabulous boutique and here I am going to act with a guy I blew off because I tought he was a f-boy. Sigh.

As I walk in half heartedly, I am genuinely surprised. Usually all workers will rushes toward me, whisking me off to dressing room and all. But when I come in now, everyone seem to be rushing doing something else. I scan the scene, trying to capture what is happening. It seem that they are just preparing props, costumes and stuffs. I stand there dumbfoundedly. Usually our (or mine) manager will guide me, but I am alone now. Michelle happens to be sick. As I stand there, a finger taps my shoulder.

I jump and flinch. I turn around, only to find myself watching into the eyes of a girl a few years older than me.

The girl blushes. "Um. Sorry. Not my intention to startle you."

My heart slowed it's pace. "Oh. It's okay really. I'm just a little jumpy." A little jumpy? Seriously Moon. You totally can made up some more logical excuses than that one!

As expected, the girl's now wearing a confused look on her face. Then she straighten her face back, goes all professional-y back. "Well, Moon Park?" I nod. "Uh well, I'm actually surprised you come today. Actually we're going to start shooting late tomorrow. Night in fact. But maybe we will postpone it to two days later. Due to weather."

Sigh. Nobody tell me this one. All they say is "come anytime you want. But we're starting to do stuffs tomorrow." Nobody tell me that actors and actresses need to come tomorrow.

The girl sees my expression. She purses her lips. "Well, I'm sure no one informed you this." I nod like a woodpecker. "But it's okay. You can sit anywhere, try to interact with anybody. I think I saw an actor earlier. The good looking one. Okay I gotta go now, toodles!" She left me.

My gut plummel far far down. She saw an actor. A good looking one. Gale is an actor. And he is clearly good looking. With his cherry plump lips, and those jaw cut worthy jawlines..... Sigh.

Moon?! Are you kidding me? Gale? Stop that feeling before anything happen. I bet it will turns into something...bad

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