the accident

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(Harry's POV)
(Four years after Harry has graduated from Hogwarts)

He had done it. Harry had finally admitted to everyone he was gay after keeping it a secret for 7 years. Ginny was heartbroken. She tried to cover it up but Harry could see it in her eyes. No-one accepted him now. Even Ron and Hermione had turned against him. Harry knew it was a mistake. A mistake to tell them and a mistake to drive when he was so upset.

Harry could barely focus. Tears were streaming down his face and his mind kept flickering back to the moment Ron screamed at him to get out. He couldn't think straight. Harry was also thinking about him and how he wished he did something while they were both at school. Harry knew that he was in no state to drive but he carried on anyway, he didn't know where he was going. Then it happened. Harry barely even realised what was happening until his car was rolling down the side of a cliff. He had hit a stag. It all happened so fast, Harry didn't see it until it was to late. It smashed straight through the windscreen and Harry couldn't see anything, so he swerved. He swerved off the edge of a 100 metre high cliff.

Harry felt his car smash onto the ground. He knew he was in the forest by the city by the trees but within 5 seconds, Harry was out. All he hoped was that someone saw or heard what happened. Then he saw a light coming towards him, it was wrapping itself around Harry and he finally felt free. Nothing was bothering him anymore, he had no worries anymore.

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