Chapter Twelve

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{Sonette's POV}

I watched in silence as Gwyn chucked the Quaffle and a bouquet of flowers into the goal. The Hufflepuffs and Slytherin cheered.

"And the quaffle, along with a random bouquet of flowers flies into the hoop, giving Hufflepuff ten points, putting them in the lead! It's believed that Hufflepuff chaser Gwyndolyn Murphy was the one who threw the bouquet and Quaffle, but nobody knows for sure!" The announcer, a Ravenclaw boy, called out.

A gold blur whizzed past. I think that's called the snitch, a golden winged ball the Seeker is supposed to catch. At least that's what Gwyn told me.

I peered over at the Gryffindor crowd. No screams yet. I was kinda really happy to get to help the quidditch team prank the Gryffindors with a Puffskein. Well, it was going to be a Puffskein but we just used a trained Pygmy Puff instead. To get back at Jessi for calling Copper a rodent, of course.

I originally wrote a few curse words, but erased them. Who knows who'll read this.

I ducked out of the Hufflepuff crowd and slowly made my way towards the Slytherins, to say hi to Nicholas.

"Nicholas!" I called out, waving to the brown haired Slytherin.

"Sonette!" Nicholas ducked out as well, meeting me behind the crowd.

"So who're you rooting for?" I asked slightly awkwardly. I had nothing else to talk about.

"The Hufflepuffs, of course! We'd love to see Gryffindor finally destroyed in quidditch." Nicholas smiled his adorable smile again.

"Uhhh, so how was your day?"

"Good, how's Jingle?"

"She's starting to p-practice flying again. V-Very slowly and not too high, though."

"That's good. I hope she gets better soon. What about Hawthorn?"

I reached into my robe pocket and took out a slightly shivering Hawthorn. "Very sorry, Hawthorn. Go ahead back into the pocket. Keep warm." I gently lowered her back into my pocket.

"I see your Quidditch team pranked the Gryffindors with a Pygmy Puff." Nicholas grinned.

"W-What?" I looked behind me. The Gryffindor crowd was absolute chaos. Screaming, running, pushing, shoving. Trying to save their own butt other than others'. Typical Gryffindor.

To everyone's horror (except Gryffindor, they were relieved), the Pygmy Puff leapt onto the field, raced across, and jumped into my arms. Several Slytherins whipped out their wands.

"Calm down, everybody. She's t-trained." I gently pet the Pygmy Puff's head.

"A white Pygmy Puff? How interesting." Nicholas tilted his head.

"Her name is M-Marshmallow."

"I get it now! You Hufflepuffs trained Marshmallow and got her to attack the Gryffindors! We should've thought of that!" A Slytherin called out.

Despite all the screaming, the quidditch game continued. Gwyn was trying her hardest not to laugh, as well as the rest of the Hufflepuff team. Especially one boy, who randomly yelled out 'licorice wands' and was blinking rapidly while laughing.

A boy on the newest broom zoomed past, reaching out. Gwyn told me his name was Gil, and he was a "walking entity of sass," in Gwyn's words.

Almost seconds later, Gil raised up his hand and slowed to a stop, the snitch in his hand. Hufflepuff and Slytherin (and a few Ravenclaws) cheered as loudly as possible.

"And Hufflepuff has caught the snitch, giving them 150 points and winning the game, Hufflepuff having 190 points and Gryffindor having 30!" The announcer cheered.

***(Back at the common room)

"You did it Gwyn! You beat Gryffindor!" I cheered, wrapping my arms around her.

"Ahem, Murphy had nothing to do with it. If you can recall, I was the one who caught the snitch." Gil smirked, crossing his arms.

"Actually, if I didn't throw the quaffle, the Gryffindor seeker wouldn't have gotten distracted and allowed you to catch the snitch." Gwyn shot a smirk back at him. "You can't always be the star, Gil."

Gil opened his mouth to make a comeback, but closed it again. I snickered as I stood up from my spot on the steps leading to the girls' dorms and went off to bed.

Hey, at least now I know that Hufflepuffs aren't just precious little puffballs.

Yuss! Done!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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