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"What time was it again ?"

He reached out to his pocket, feeling the warmth invading his frozen hand, and grabbed his phone.

The device displayed 01:46.

As he saw how late it was, he felt like he wanted to cry. Which he did. He lied there in despair, tears invading his troubled face. His hands reached out to cover his face, as if he wanted to hide himself and disappear.

"Disappear", he thought. "That would be nice right now". And just as his thought concluded, he felt something wet on his bare forearm.

"Of course", he thought. And with a sad smile, he said very quietly "so now even you are mocking me ?", raising his head to the raining sky.

Mumbo was lost. Lost in his thoughts, his feelings. In fact he was also really lost in these scary woods, but he couldn't manage to think about that right now. He just felt lonely and in pain.

Like a True Friend (Grian x MumboJumbo)Where stories live. Discover now