Chapter 5 : Never

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- You're hurting me, gasped Grian.

Mumbo relaxed his hugging and let go of his friend.

- Oh sorry dude, I really didn't mean to, I mean...

- Don't worry, I'm fine, he answered with a soft smile.

- Yea I know I just...

Feeling embarrassed, Mumbo just decided to punch one of the radio's buttons to get some better track. A hard rock music filled the car. (

- Now that's more like it ! Mumbo shouted semi-energetically to try and cheer up his friend.

- Let's go then !

And in an awkward mood, both men left the red house, singing out of tune the Def Leppard song, with a weird optimistic energy. Even though the Con was quite a while from London downtown area, as they sang, time flew by and Mumbo didn't even noticed they had arrived already. They parked and headed for the huge building, wrapped in a green and brown pixel-ish banner for the occasion. They headed in through the VIP way, and parted ways to reach their stands, quite far away from one another.

The day went by, Mumbo took photos, signed some stuff and hung out with his fans. At the end of the day he felt exhausted, and right after closing his stand he headed inside the VIP area to find someplace to rest a bit. Given that he barely slept, he was ready to fall about anywhere, close his eyes and sleep on the bare floor. He found a semi-tranquil spot, and started to close his eyes.

- Mumbo, come here.

The tone was severe and harsh, so he instantly obeyed and stood up in front of the voice which had just called him. He raised his eyes, to find a middle-age man, short brown hair perfectly combed, with a dark grey suit about as austere as the man's attitude, sitting straight in a vintage chair. The man frowned. Mumbo shuddered.

- Look me straight in the eyes.

He obeyed and encountered dark eyes glimmering with anger, which only accentuated his uneasiness.

- I know, kiddo.

He paused.

- I know what you did.

His tone changed. He was not an angry man anymore, he looked more disappointed than angry. Sad, even. Mumbo was shaking, became pale, his stupid teenage smile broke down. The man continued.
- I...

He coughed and cleared his throat, but his voice broke.

- Her parents... they... poor kid.

He looked like he was about to cry, and hid his face. Ashamed. Too ashamed to even look at his own son.

Mumbo felt his eyes watering, and got closer of the older man.

- I didn't... I never wanted to, dad, you have to believe me. It's not me, I would never...

- YOU WOULD NEVER, he yelled, rising from his chair, WELL WHY ARE WE HERE? AND WHY ISN'T SHE ?. He stared down at his child.

- I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry dad, so sorry, he cried, falling on the hard ground.

And in his blurry sight, he saw the man leaving the room, too ashamed to even look at him.

- Please dad don't leave, I'm sorry, he cried. DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE DAD, he shouted in a sob, I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN TO !

-Uhhhh, hey everything alright ?

Mumbo opened his eyes and faced a puzzled Iskall staring at him. He quickly remembered where he was and stammered out.

- Uh yea, sorry, it's uh... just some bad dream.

- You sure mate ? responded the swedish man with a comprehensive smile.

Mumbo laughed nervously and in a quick movement managed to wipe his eyes.

- Yea sure, no problem !

- Well I hope you rested well at least, cause tonight aught to be a nice time, if you manage to stay awake of course, he said with a smirk.

- I have no idea how long I slept, d'you know what time it is ?

- Something like 7:30 I'd say.

- Whoa, guess I did sleep a bit then.

Mumbo managed to get a quick look around and saw no one.

- Hey I'm confused, where is everyone ? Have they left already ?

- Nah, don't worry, answered the Swede. They are pretty much all in the catering area, which makes sense you know, but I saw you sleepy head on the way and I thought it would make great backstage footage, he continued in a laugh. By the way, sorry if I woke you up. But eh, you just felt like shouting in my ears, soooo yea that probably scared anyone within a mile or two !

Mumbo laughed, grateful that Iskall manage to get his thoughts away from that bad dream. He answered.

- Well, then, I hope the footage is worth it, and I hope I won't die from embarrassment when I'll see it ! Anyways, we should probably go and meet the others, plus something to eat would be welcome.

Iskall stretched his hand towards Mumbo, and he grabbed it to try and stand up. Both men headed towards the catering area. As they walked, Mumbo wondered about his dream. Why was he remembering this now ? He hadn't thought about this conversation, his father for a long time, and there it was, popping back up in his mind in the middle of a con. His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed a small group of minecrafters who welcomed them. He did a quick scan of the group. All his friends from the Hermitcraft server were around. Next to him was Cub, Scar, Ren, Grian and...

His gaze stopped. These eyes, so hypnotizing. These blue eyes. That's were the dream came from. He had exactly the same eyes. That intense blue were he lost himself so many times, that glint of joyfulness. Lisa. Yet it was Grian.
He suddenly felt sick and rushed out of the room towards the closest bathroom to throw up. This girl coming back, embodied by his friend, it was too much for him. He washed his mouth and splashed some water on his face, as if washing his skin could wash his thoughts away. He tucked his face in his wet hands, and felt a warm presence on his shoulder, and a breath on his neck. He turned to find out who it was.

Of course. The Grian himself. And as he met his worried eyes again, he shuddered. Grian was staring at his face with a confused look and a soft comforting smile. It somehow soothed Mumbo who, with a sudden huge wave of feelings and almost naturally, pulled his face up towards the English guy, and their lips connected. It felt so simple. The kiss was soft, gentle, and felt just right. Mumbo felt so good, he hadn't felt like that in ages. But it stopped abruptly, when Grian suddenly broke the kiss.

Grian tried to speak, but looked too surprised to even say a single word. Mumbo realized what just happened, and ran away. He had no idea where he was going, but he ran. He ran, ran fast, through the con space. He didn't listen to his speedy beating heart and confused brain, he didn't notice the cold breeze swiveling around his bare arms as he got out through the con's main entrance. He could not grasp the creepy atmosphere coming out of the woods he was heading into. He did not notice the really tall trees surrounding him, the mud on which he was running. And specifically he did not notice the big root right in front of his foot, right before he collapsed and banged his head on a rock.


I'm so sorry for the long wait, with Christmas time and new year my schedule was a bit hectic ! I'll try to be more regular in the future. I tried again to visit the past of the characters to give them depth, hope it's not too dark (I'm sorry, find it difficult to write happy stuff but they finally kissed yaaaay) and that you like it anyway !

Don't hesitate to leave a review, I love seeing what you guys think about it, warms my heart every time :)

See ya (soon I hope, I gotta manage with work and all !

Edit : I have big exams next week, so of course I thought the best idea was to write instead of studying, yay such a good idea. Anyways, at least, the next chapter is done, it contains way too much drama (I think exams are ruining my brain rn) and should be out in a few days.)


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