Chapter 6 : Party Hard

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"What the heck is going on here ?" thought Iskall, clearly confused by what had just happened. He was heading towards the bathroom after Mumbo left in a hurry and Grian followed him closely. His confusion was only emphasized as he saw Mumbo running out of the bathroom. He hesitated for a moment, whether he should follow him or not he was unsure. He decided to let him go and instead headed inside the bathroom to find some answers. He pushed the door and found Grian. He looked like frozen. He seemed even more confused than him, which did not help reassure him. He risked a question.

- Hey, everything okay G ?

Grian didn't react at first, and after a few seconds turned towards the older man. Iskall noticed tears beginning to form in the corner of his eyes and without even thinking he held the guy in his strong arms, to try and comfort him. It seemed to soothe him a bit, and his breath seemed to come back to normal. Seeing Grian in this state was worrying Iskall, and it made him worry even more thinking back about Mumbo running away. What the hell had just happened between those two ? He released his grasp and broke the silence.

- You wanna tell me what happened ?

He seemed to hesitate. He waited for a bit, quickly shoved his tears out of the way and answered, suddenly looking more serious.

- Do you know if Mumbo has a girlfriend ?

Iskall's face showed a puzzled look, and it took him a short while to sort out his thoughts before saying

- Well uh... no, not that I know of. I mean I don't think so. Why ? (I know IRL he does but meh, story needs whatever it needs)

Grian paused to think. He continued.

- Do you know if I have a girlfriend ?

Iskall was more and more confused, even though he did not even think it was possible to be even more lost then he was right now.

- Erm.. well I don't... uh I don't know G. Why are you asking this ?

Grian left the room in a hurry without one word, leaving a really really lost Iskall.

The swedish man took a moment to gather his thoughts, and then left the bathroom. He did a quick sweep of the hall to try and see where Grian had left, but he did not see anyone. He decided to head towards where he had seen Mumbo run earlier. He walked a bit until he found himself at the main entrance, where he did a quick scan of the place. No Mumbo to be seen around here, it seemed. Iskall came back through the hallway and wondered about what to do. He did not know what happened, and thought maybe it would be best to leave those two sort out their stuff, since Grian did not look like he wanted to talk about it.

He decided to go back to the catering area with the others. He entered the cozy room and was surprised to see Grian just there hanging out with everyone. He went towards the Hermitcraft group, and when he was asked why he left in a sudden, he hesitated to answer. He lift his eyes up towards Grian which clearly signaled him to be cool about it, so he babbled some dumb excuses about it. He felt bad for a second, but then he thought it might be his best option, to act as if nothing happened.

Some time later, the party was really going. Most of the hermits were just enjoying themselves along with other minecrafters from various YouTube channels. But still no sign of Mumbo. Iskall really began to stress out when he noticed that Mumbo had not come back. He swiftly stepped aside of the group he was hanging out with, and went up to Grian. He gently grabbed his arm and made him understand with gestures to follow him. The English guy followed, and they found themselves in a small room, isolated from the noise.

- G, maybe you don't wanna talk about what happened before but

- You're right, Grian interrupted. I don't wanna talk about it.

He began to leave the room but was stopped by Iskall pulling him back and continuing.

- But, as I was saying, Mumbo has not come back. He really looked upset and I have no idea where he is, and I'm really worried about him.

Grian's face changed, and he stared at Iskall very seriously, before declaring.

- I know. I'm really worried too, but I don't really know if he would want to talk to me right now. I just... well I tried calling him like three or four times and he did not answer so I just deduced he didn't want to talk.

Iskall felt really bad for thinking Grian didn't care that Mumbo was missing. He looked deeply anxious now that he looked at him, and he patted his shoulder in a friendly manner.

- I'll try and reach him, see what happens.

He grabbed his phone, dialed the number. It rang three or four times before he reached voicemail.

- Well now that's weird, stated Iskall. If he does not answer anyone, there might actually be something wrong.

He turned towards Grian, whose anxiousness seemed to emphasize exponentially as he spoke. He was frantically scratching his nails on his hand.

- Hey don't worry, it's probably nothing. Intervened Iskall. Let's just look for him alright ?

The youngest nodded. They went up and searched the whole con building, but there did not seem to be any sign of him.

- Well he clearly isn't here... Do you have any idea where he could be ? Maybe he just went back to the hotel and fell asleep ? suggested Iskall.

- No, he wasn't staying in the hotel, he was hanging at my place.

- Well do you think he could just have gone back there ?

- I really don't think so, but maybe, I don't know... I don't...

Grian looked like he was going to burst in tears so Iskall softly put a hand under his chin and made him look up in his eyes before saying very softly.

- Hey. Don't worry. We're gonna find him alright ? Everything's fine.

Grian took a moment to contain his tears and replied.

- Okay, my car is right over in the parking lot. Come along.

They both headed to the car, and travelled to the red brick home. They inspected the outside, the inside. No Mumbo here either. They went ahead and sat in the car. Grian turned towards Iskall, his face burning from guilt.

- Iskall, I... it's my fault, I should have ran after him, I should not have let him run on his own, imagine if something happened imagine if...

- G... Hey G, it's not okay. Whatever's going on with Mumbo it's not your fault. If he ran off and such it's not your fault, I mean

- He kissed me. Grian interrupted, bursting with tears.

Iskall looked surprised. Mumbo ? Kissing Grian ? Well that would explain him running like crazy and acting all weird, but still, it was... some unexpected information.

- He kissed me and I just... I didn't understand so I... kinda rejected him and he ran off and it's my fault and now something happen I'm sure and I just stand there being useless and

Iskall stopped him with a supportive hug.

- It's not your fault G. Your reaction seems... well logical. It cannot be your fault.

And as Grian was sobbing quietly, they were interrupted by a ringing phone.


The Swede knows ! Anyways I tried something a little different here, I felt like I needed an external point of view to show how the story unfolds, as Mumbo's nearly absent from the chapter. Hope you liked it, I really pictured Iskall like a father figure, I dunno why.

If you feel like it, leave a review, I really love reading your feels about the story, helps me see how I can continue.

Bye !


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