Chapter 3 : Home, Sweet Home

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Mumbo let a tiny smile emerge, and then turned red, embarrassed.

- Oh well, that's real nice of you dude but I don't wanna be bothering you, I can for sure find a place to crash and

- Hey. Grian stopped him, the same solemn expression as he had in the airport. I wouldn't have suggested it if it did bother me. He paused.

- Of course, come along ! It'll be fun, I'll show you the new stuff around my place and oooooh you'll be able to see the cats ! shouted Grian, having found his joyfulness again.

Mumbo smiled. He was angry a split second ago, and then, with an inch of Grianness he was already feeling better.

- Alright, well erm.. it's really nice of you, I uh.. yea for sure, I'd love to, declared Mumbo, his cheeks turning red.

- It's official then ! Let's goooo ! Said the smallest, crashing his feet on the acceleration pedal without even noticing his blushing friend.

Mumbo laughed. Man, how could this explosive dude could be such a concentrate of energy. It really was some character. No matter what was going on, he could always make the most of the situation. And while he wondered, he heard Grian singing joyfully "Mumbo Jumbo you are coming hooome. I'm gonna show you around my hooooome" on the "Mumbo AFK" tune.

(Now that song's stuck in your head, don't thank me)

While being lost in his thoughts, Mumbo didn't even notice they had arrived. As he entered the cosy red brick home, he was instantly welcomed by a cat assault on him. He jumped out of fear with a high-pitched shriek. The cat instantly ran away.

- Wow, you sure got some kind of welcome, ey ? Grian laughed. I think you made quite an impression on him !

- Well he sure did make an unforgettable impression on me ! Have you not trained your cats to be friendly hosts ? Man, I'm disappointed..., Mumbo answered cheekily.

- Guess the training isn't over ! he responded before catching the cats to give them a big hug. Erm well welcome to my modest home ! It isn't a palace for sure but I like it anyways. You already know the place, d'you want me to show you around again ?

- No, don't worry, I think I'll still find my way.

- Great ! Well you can drop your stuff anywhere in the living room.

Mumbo entered the room, quite large since it was a living room with an open kitchen. He really liked it for the direct access to the garden, which gave a nice feel to the place in general and quite the view, especially in this stunning sunset. He dropped all of his stuff in a corner and sat down on the big gray couch.

- Hey Mumbo, it's still quite early. Do you wanna do something or are you feeling too tired ?

- No don't worry, I'm not that tired. I had plenty of time to rest in the plane ! he answered, even though he didn't manage to sleep on the plane, he did not want to break the mood.

- Great then ! What do you wanna do ? We can play some video games, watch a movie or anything actually.

- Well video games sounds great, what do you have in mind ?

- Erm I don't know, if you want a couch game I just bought Overcooked 2 ! The first one was real fun so I guess this one should be too ! said Grian frantically

- Sure, let's go for it. Mumbo answered calmly.

Grian stood up to switch on the TV screen, the game console and picked up two controllers. He gave one to Mumbo and asked :

- Hey you want something to drink ? Like a beer or something ?

- Sure, sounds nice.

Grian went to the fridge, grabbed two bottles and came back to the couch.

For about half an hour, the two friends played on, drinking beer after beer until Grian's fridge was emptied of its beverages. That's when he suggested to move on to more serious drinks and opened a vodka bottle, and afterwards Mumbo suggested that each time they died they would have to drink a shot. Which of course resulted in Grian being drunk, and Mumbo really tipsy, since he was better at the game. And when the English man failed to launch the next level four times in a row, Mumbo decided that it would be reasonable to turn off the Xbox for now. Grian stood up to try and switch it off but he tripped on a cable, fell on a bookshelf and while trying to hang onto it to prevent his fall he actually tipped over the shelf, and quickly got attacked by a book army.

- Oh my God Grian are you okay ? Mumbo quickly rose and started pushing the books aside to uncover his friend.

- Oooh my head. Erm...yeah uh...don't worry I'm uh...fine, answered Grian, clearly confused.

Mumbo sighed of relief, and started pulling his friend up and sat him on the couch. Except for a slight scratch on his head he looked fine, but Mumbo was still troubled.

- Are you sure you're okay ? That shelf did hit pretty hard on you.

- Yeah.... I'm fiiiiine...don't you worry Mumbooooooo... he said slowly.

It was weird hearing his friend so calm and slow, being usually so hyper and enthusiast. He wasn't quite reassured, but decided to try and repair the damage the best he could. He put the shelf back up. There were some cracks on the side planks but otherwise it didn't look too damaged. He started lifting books and putting them on the shelf, in whatever order. It wouldn't look too good, but they would be better off than lying on the ground.

- Hey, don't worry about the mess too much I uh... I'll clean it up later.

- It doesn't bother me, don't worry, I don't like letting these books lay on the floor, it's kinda dangerous.

- Alright, I'll help you then. And saying this, Grian stood up carefully, walked up to Mumbo and started picking books on the floor. His movements were still a little wobbly but he managed to be useful.

As Mumbo picked up books, he found underneath one of them a picture. It was a family picture, with a guy holding a kid in the air, both smiling. He assumed it was Grian little, and it made him smile. His father looked as English as him, and Grian had slightly curly blonde hair and already had that signature cheeky smile. Mumbo showed it to his friend.

- Hey, is that you and your father on this ? Man, you look so cute in your jumpsuit.

Grian turned his heard towards the photography and suddenly his alcohol-induced stupid smile vanished. His face turned very dark in a split second, and he had a sad glint in his blue eyes. They were not shiny as usual, almost dull, like they'd lost their colour.

- It's uh... yea, it's me. He snatched the photo off Mumbo's hand to get a better look at it. His eyes seemed to water. Mumbo felt really guilty and tried to intervene.

- I'm sorry dude, didn't mean I can...put it away if you want.

He approached his hand of the picture very gently, but he didn't get it. Instead, he got a crying Grian falling in his arms.


Hello !

Sorry to leave you on such a cliffhanger, I just couldn't resist ! Don't hesitate to leave me a review, I'd love to have you guys' opinion on how you find the turn of events.

Bye bye !


Like a True Friend (Grian x MumboJumbo)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz