Chapter 9 : When it explodes

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It has been a long wait for a new chapter, but it is finally there!

As the last update is from a long time ago, I will republish my preamble.

The fictional characters used here are Mumbo and Grian's Minecraft personas, even when interacting in a real universe (I just gave Grian's persona blue eyes for the purpose of the intrigue). If this story bothers them in any way, I will delete it. When talking about the characters backstories, current lives or relationship status, everything (including characters) is purely fictional and is in no way intended to cause any inconvenience to Mumbo or Grian.

QUICK SUMMARY – since the last part was published about a year ago, I guess I should recap what happened:

Mumbo is in London for a Minecraft Summit for a couple days. His hotel reservation got mixed up, so he is staying at Grian's place, who offered to shelter him. After a heavy drinking night, Grian gets emotional and tells to Mumbo his tough past. The next day, at the Summit, Mumbo makes a strange dream about his own past, and in a confused moment kisses Grian. Startled, Grian breaks the kiss, Mumbo realizes what happened and flee the scene. As he runs away from the Convention, he ends up far in the woods, and trips on a stone, hurting himself and passing out. He ends up in a hospital. After what felt like an endless waiting in the emergency waiting room, Grian finds out Mumbo is okay and in the overflow of emotions he kisses him again.

For once, not one of them really knew how nor wanted to end the kiss. It was simple, shared, and it worked. Though both were completely submerged in their emotions, very different yet joined by relief. They could feel their tears getting mixed up, it finally seemed there was peace. The kiss eventually ended, softly, quietly, gently. Mumbo didn't quite recover, but he truly could feel that this was right. Though, he didn't really dare to look at the other man, because everything went so fast, and he was quite frankly still in shock and pain. That definitely did not help him sort out his feelings. Their gazes were like spinning magnets; attracted, but at the same time repelling one another.

Luckily, this awkward situation got fixed by the arrival of the doctor, whose deep voice filled the room and gathered attention. Grian was gently kicked out of the room for more medical testing.


Grian slowly paced out of the room to find his companion: the waiting chair on which he had left so much anguish. He considered the furniture with contempt, and decided it would be best to keep standing, to try and avoid falling back into the spiralling down. He reached out for his phone and proceeded to call Iskall. It started to ring and Grian instantly ended the call. He really didn't feel like talking to someone. In fact he didn't want to talk at all. He put his phone back in his pocket, but quickly took it back out fo remorse: he had to inform his friend that Mumbo was okay. After all, Iskall must still be really scared. Avoiding calling, Grian wrote a text. "Everything fine – hes awake – should be out soon" and pressed the "Send" button.

He put the device back in his pocket, and rose his head towards the clock. Still more waiting, huh? In his state of extreme tiredness, he finally couldn't resist and took a seat. And as expected, the waiting got him back in his thoughts, and he became more alert of the situation. They did kiss more than once now, and it felt... kinda weird but... still good. And that was a really really troublesome issue. Did he love him? And since the mustached man was the first one to go towards him well... he must have had some kind of feelings. Especially for it to happen at such a weird time.

Grian had put his hands on his head and began to put more and more pressure on his skull as his thoughts continued. I'm a terrible person, he thought. I cannot continue like this. I have to sort out my feelings else... else I will end up losing everyone.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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