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yoongay looking swag 😎✌ (im so cringe lol)



Its been 1 hour that Taehyung has been trying to find Jimin he sent him like 10 calls and messages but he wouldn't answer, he was starting to get worried.

His phone lit up with a notification.
Hey Tae I'm sorry but I left to my apartment and brought someone with me. He'pretty hot..  sorry for leaving man but call an Uber or something ok.

"This bitch for fucks sake." He couldn't believe Jimin ditched him so he could go get layed by some guy he meet at the club. Jimin was his ride to the club he didn't have much cash on him at the moment because of the drinks he spent it on, and now he was feeling a little dizzy, not completely  drunk.

Taehyung leaned against a wall for a moment he didn't know what to do ....."Jungkook I'll call him to go to my garage and he'll get my car." Taehyung diled Jungkook's number.

Jungkook was out with his friend Hoeseok but he calls him Hobi hyung. They were going out to watch a movie , Jungkook was waiting on line to get the tickets and Hoeseok was going to get the snacks.
Jungkook's phone started ringing from his back pocket, he reached for and saw the called ID "Mr.kim ? Why is he calling this late at night?" Jungkook didn't question it and just answered the call.

"Hello Mr.Kim?" Jungkook answerd with a confused voice. "Jungkook! I'm do glad you answered.  I need you to go to my house and get my car and pick me up please it's am emergency please kook." Taehyung whined over the phone, the alcohol had really messed up, and Jungkook could tell that Taehyung was pretty drunk.

The sound of desperation was heard from Taehyung." Mr.Kim I was out with a friend right now-" " please Jungkook come pick me up I'll even pay you extra for this." Jungkook heard a good opportunity to get money. "OK Mr.kim I'll get you just send your address."

"Thank you Jungkook I'll pay you back later."

All those plans he had to spend time with his friend was canceled hopefully his hyung would understand right? It's his boss asking him to do something.

Just then hobi came back from the food stands.  "Hey kook what do you want to drink I forgot to ask you."
Jungkook started to feel a little bad to have to ditch his friend like this guess Taehyung's friend is Jungkook in the same position.

"I'm so sorry hyung but we might have to reschedule this for another time my boss called me to do something for him and it's a emergency, please understand."

"Oh.. Yeah um ok sure take care of your matters first kook." Yeah hobi was upset that his friend ditched thier only time to hangout, they were busy almost of the time so he really wanted to hang out with his friend.

"Thanks hyung I owe you bye." Jungkook dashed fast out of the cinema. Hoeseok looked a little upset, he was hungry and he hadn't eaten anything, he had a craving for something sweet.

"Guess I'm alone tonight." Hoeseok decided to call Namjoon to see if mybe he wanted to hang out, and luckily he picked up.

"Hey Hoeseok what's up."

"Nothing much just jungkook ditched our night of Bros  hang out and I'm hungry, so wanted to see if you're free."

"I bet it was important hobi he probably didnt mean to leave you hanging like that but Yeah sure, and you know what there's this place nearby that's been getting alot of ratings for thier sweets and stuff we should check it out since it's open till 2am.

 privite driver/ Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now