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I'm so proud of them 😭


Jungkook opened the abandoned closet, to his surprise it wasn't so shabby. Mybe if he were to move some things here and there and clean up the spider cob webs it would make a perfect fit.

Jungkook sighed and layed down the few things he carried with him in a corner.

"I really need to find somewhere to live, even with what Mr.Kim pays me I still wouldn't be able to afford a apartment."

In the meantime he just made space in the cramped closet and slept on the beanbag chair, setting his alarm early so that way nobody is suspicious of a boy living in Korea's richest mans closet.

~Time skip~

Taehyung POV

"Where the hell is Jungkook!" Looking down at his watch in frustration.

He had been standing outside his house for ten minutes in the rain and there was no sign of Jungkook. He was standing under the roof but the small splashes of water have wet his new Versace suit.

Unbelievable Taehyung thought I should've fired him when I had the chance.glancing at his watch one more time

Just then Jungkook had pulled to the curb with most luxurious car you could imagine, but Jungkook knowing he was late had raced his way there not noticing that he had just splashed the older with a huge puddle of water.

"What the actual fuck Jungkook!" The older was furious not only did Jungkook come late but he was now soaking wet in his new suit.

Jungkook rushed out of the car to help the other but was only pushed away.

"I'm so sorry Mr.Kim, there was alot of traffic and-"

"No! just no I'm late already and you have ruined my new Versace suit, this will be coming off your paycheck." Taehyung said angrily and took of his wet jacket.

The rain seemed to be pouring even harder and the boys ran quickly into Mr.Kims Mansion.

When ajungkook first walked in the mansion it left him flabbergasted to the what the inside of his bosses mansion had looked like.

It was unbelievably huge, in the center hanged a chandelier followed by two spiral staircases. There was beautiful painting hanging on the walls everything seemed so expensive, Jungkook couldn't relate. It was beautiful and all but it seemed awfully big for one person.

Taehyung had received a phone call when coming inside and went to take care of it and when he had ended the call he returned to see Jungkook admiring the paintings on his walls.

"Close your mouth flies will get in." Taehyung said in a pretty harsh manner. "I received a call by the way, it seems that there's going to be a hurricane, so most businesses are closed off for today."

Crap how will I be able to get inside the building if its closed. Jungkook had started to panic. Taehyung taking notice of this said.

"In the meantime you are allowed to stay here till the storm is over."

Taehyung was rude and would never allow some stranger to stay in his house, especially after the many fucks ups Jungkook had.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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