Train Ride, New Friends and Arriving

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Chapter 1-


Chloe and I board the Hogwarts Express and look for a compartment. I hold only a bag of gold for snacks and my trunk that has my robes and a few books. Chloe leads and finally finds a vacant compartment. We put our trunks above us, sit down and look out the window.

“I wish my mum was here, you know to say good bye,” Chloe sighs.

“Yeah me too,” I agree. Chloe and I have known each other since we were little and have been best friends since. Our parents knew each other growing up so us being friends was obvious.

“I’m going to miss our friends,” Chloe says. I nod my head and continue to stare at the platform.

“Something wrong?” Chloe asks.

“No, I’m fine,” I say quickly. Chloe rolls her eyes and looks back out at the platform. I am in deep thought about home and friends when I hear the compartment doors open. I turn my head around to see a girl with brown, bushy and frizzy hair in the threshold, along with a boy who has short brown hair, buck teeth and brown eyes. The girl has brown trunk and the boy has a black, worn one.

“Do you mind if we sit here? Everywhere else has people,” the girl asks. Chloe and I look at each other and nod.

“Of course,” I say. The girl smiles and the boy nods thank you and they put their trunks next to ours, above their seats.  She sits down next to me while the boy sits next to Chloe.

“My name is Hermione Granger,” she tells me and puts her hand out. I reach for it and we shake.

“Evana Malone,” I say. She nods her head. I look at the boy hoping to get his name.

“Neville Longbottom,” he mumbles.

“Pleased to meet you Neville,” I say.

“My name is Chloe Harris,” Chloe extends to Hermione they shake and sit back in their seats.

“Is this your first year?” I ask Hermione. She nods and smiles.

“Yes it is, and I’m very excited. You see my parents are Muggles and I when I found out what I could do I was ecstatic. They told me they were proud,” Hermione explains.

“That’s interesting. Chloe and I are from wizarding families, all of whom have gone to Hogwarts. My mother was in Gryffindor and my dad was in Ravenclaw. They met during their fifth year and they fell in love,” I tell Hermione. Chloe has already heard the story a hundred times so she began talking to Neville.

“My parents are in Saint Mungos Hospital as they were tortured by a Death Eater and now my grandmother takes care of me,” Neville explains. “The Death Eater tortured them so much they almost died.” Neville says on the verge of tears.

“Don’t talk about it if you don’t want to,” Chloe tells him calmly. He shakes his head and takes out a toad from his sweatshirt pocket. The toad is greenish- black and looks slimy.

“His name is Trevor, my grandmother gave him to me,” Neville says fondly.

“Can I see him?” Chloe asks him. He nods and hands him to her. When Neville is sure that Chloe has him, he lets go and puts his hands in his lap. Chloe strokes the top of his head and smiles at the toad. Then without any warning, Trevor jumps out of her hands and onto the floor. Neville yelps and jumps onto the floor trying to grab him before he leaves the room. But when Neville lands on the floor with a thud, Trevor jumps out of the compartment and into the hall. Neville jumps up and runs down the hall, obviously causing Trevor to jump away.

My First Gryffindor Love (year one) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now