Exams Roll Around

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Chapter 13-

I sit in the common room, my eyes glued to a textbook. We have final exams next week and I am studying like crazy. I hate studying, but honestly, it's the only way to make my parents not ground me for the whole summer. I turn the page in my book and finish a chapter on a random wizarding war. Which means I'm studying for a History of Magic, the most boring class in the whole school. I don't care if I fail this one, but I have to do good in charms, potions and transfiguration. The other classes my parents want good marking on, but I don't have to exceed in them. Just the standards.

I am into my self-taught-lesson when Chloe comes over and distractes me.

"Evana studying, that's a sight you don't see everyday."

"Shut up," I complain and shoo her away.

"I need to focus, or else I won't do well."

"Why? What's the big issue?"

"Do you want my parents to ground me for the summer? Because you know they will."

"True, alright, I'll go. Have fun," she says, gets up and I moan at the thought of fun. I continue to study and get so mad I throw the book in the air. I hear it hit something then a yelp. I turn around and see Seamus, holding is nose.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I say and get up to hug him.

"Evana, it's fine, just wasn't expecting it."

"No, it's not fine, I hit you with a textbook," I say and he laughs.

"What?" I ask.

"You, you're overreacting. It's just a scratch," he says, moving his hand so I can see his face. He's right, it is only a scratch, but I didn't mean to hit him.

"I'm sorry," I say and he sighs.

"I accept your apology, now, can you relax?"

"I guess," I say and sit down and open my Potions book and start memorizing any random information Snape might test us on.

"Um, you know exams aren't for a while, right?"

"I know, but I have to do good or my parents will ground me for the summer."

"That's harsh."

"Yeah, tell me about it," I say and throw my hands up.

"Argh! I can't concentrate!" I say and Seamus hugs me.

"Relax, you just need a break. You're probably overworking yourself. Come on, we'll take a little walk." I sigh and get up. I follow him and we start walking around the corridors. We walk in highly populated ones and stay in our friend mode. But when we get to a less dense one, we kiss.

"That's relaxing," I whisper and he kisses me again.

"Glad," he smiles. We break apart and we sit down for a while. He holds my hand and I rest my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes and he rubs my hand lightly as he holds it. This is a perfect moment, but not as perfect as I wish. I mean, I wish our friends could know, but it's so early and we're so young, I don't want to be the center of attention when it comes to stuff like this.

"You think you're okay?" he asks and I nod. We get up and kiss one last time, because it could be a long time until our lips meet again. We head back to the common room and I start to study again and he doodles a picture of me.

"Here, look," he shows me and I sigh. It's me, what I look like right now, hunched over, pouring into a book, but I look terrible. I hit him with my book and he laughs.

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