Classes, Friends, and a Big Explosion

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Chapter 4-

I wake up with Chloe lightly smacking my face.


"Get up! Classes start today!" She yells. I cringe at how loud it is, and sigh.

"Alright, give me a minute to get ready and then we can head down to breakfast," I say and Chloe nods. She walks away and goes to her bed and begins making it. I slowly get out of bed and pick out my clothes for the day. I put on my white under shirt and my tie on. Next is my skirt and high socks. I slip my cloak on and at this point Chloe is sitting on her bed, dressed and ready to go down. I put my shoes on and nod to her.

"Let's go," I say and she hops up. We walk arm in arm downstairs to the common room where I see Hermione talking to another girl. I go over with Chloe and we get introduced to the other girl.

"Evana, Chloe this is Lavender," Hermione introduces.

"Pleased to meet you," Chloe says.

"Nice to meet you too," Lavender smiles.

"Hello," I say simply and smile.

"Hello," Lavender smiles as well. Chloe, Lavender and Hermione begin chatting away as I stare into space. Then I see out of the corner of my eye, a black cloak come down from the boys dormitory staircase. I look over to see if it's anyone I know or care about and sure enough, Harry, Ron and Seamus are descending. I nudge Chloe and glace in their direction. She looks and smiles.

"Go over and talk to him," she says. I smile and walk over to Seamus.

"Good morning!" I say cheerfully.

"Morning," he says less cheerful.


"Dean kept me up really late, talking."

"That's too bad."

"Yeah, have a weird feeling I'm going to fall asleep at breakfast.

"Doubt you will."

"Lets hope not."

"Yeah, well do you want to head down to breakfast?"

"Sure, I'm really hungry." Seamus says and we start walking. I walk in the middle of him and Harry, Ron next to Harry.

"Morning, Ron,Harry," I say.

"Good morning," they both say. We walk in silence, when I remember Hermione, Chloe and Lavender. I shrug it off and keep walking. They'll catch up I think. When we reach the Great Hall, the four of us pull up next to Ron's brothers and sit down.

"Morning George." I say.

"Morning Evana."

"I don't get a hello?" Fred asks.

"No you don't." I laugh.

"We'll that's nice." Fred laughs.

"Yes, yes it is." I say and begin spreading some jelly on a piece of toast. In the misted of my spreading I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look around to see Chloe and Hermione.

"You ditched us." Chloe accuses.

"Yeah, so? I can't go down to breakfast with some other people?"

"I guess so but I thought we were going to walk down to breakfast together?"

"You were talking with Hermione and Lavender, I went to talk to Seamus, and we decided to come down. No harm, no foul." Chloe sighs.

"I guess not," Chloe says.

My First Gryffindor Love (year one) [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat