End Of Term Feast

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Chapter 14-

Hermione comes into the dorm, making a loud sound. I sit upright in bed and look at her curiously. She looks tired, beat up as if something went down.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" I ask and she looks at me.


"It's almost three in the morning, and you're awake and in clothes. Whats happening?"

"Oh, it's a long story."

"Well, I don't need a lot of sleep," I say and pat my bed for her to come and sit. She sighs and walks over as quietly as possible. She sits down at the end and relaxes to tell her story.

"Well, you know how Ron, Harry and I have been together a lot?"


"Well there's a reason for it. You see, we thought Snape was trying to steal something valuable so naturally, we tried to stop him. It was the Sorcerers Stone, the stone can be used in an elixir that will make you immortal. So, we thought that Snape would us it for bad. So we went in this special area and had to do a bunch of crazy things, but Ron got injured playing real wizards chess and I had to take care of him and bring him to Madame Pomfrey as Harry went on. Well apparently, it wasn't Snape, but Quirrell. He had You-Know-Who in the back of his head, under his turbine you know, and he tried to kill Harry. But he's okay and Quirrell is gone."

"Sounds like an adventure," I say, trying to comprehend everything still. "So that explains why you were with them so much."

"Yes, hopefully it does. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to bed," she says and crosses to her bed and changes quickly then goes to bed. I sigh and go back to bed as well.

I awake the next morning, remember it's the last day here. We don't have classes, just a day to pack and get ready to leave tomorrow. I walk downstairs, not bothering to get ready first and head to breakfast. I get down there and realise a lot of kids are still wearing pajamas and I stop feeling awkward. I butter some toast and grab some bacon and start eating. Chloe comes down, in the same attire as me, but her hair is worse by a long shot.

"Good morning," I greet and she grunts. "Tired still?"

"Can't sleep, that's the problem. I want to, but my mind is awake," she sighs and sits down. I laugh and pour her some pumpkin juice, her favorite. She nods when I hand it to her and I know she means thank you. She slowly sips and I tear through another piece of bacon. We are quiet as I leave her to wake up slowly. Lavender comes down and sits across from me and greets me good morning and I politely respond, while Chloe groans.

"Someone not get a good night sleep?" she asks and Chloe glares. I explain and she nods in understanding.

"I hear you," Lavender says to Chloe and she smiles. We sit and wait for more people to come down. Soon enough, I see Dean come down with Ron.

"Morning," I say and Dean pats my head.

"Seamus not awake yet?"

"No, sorry," he winks and I nudge him. He laughs slightly and pours himself some cereal. I sigh and eat another piece of toast, but this time with some peanut butter. We sit for a long time, with one coming and then Hermine slugs down.

"Morning," I say and she forces a smile. She sits down and eats some food like the rest of us. Seamus slugs his way down and I throw my head back.

"Okay, why is everyone so tired?" I ask my friends and Hermione looks at me.

"Well, except for what I already know. Like I know Chloe hates when she can't go back to sleep."

"Well, I couldn't sleep for a long time last night and finally fell asleep at almost two," Dean says and I roll my eyes,'

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