Back To Hogwarts

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Chapter 10-

I sit on the train, heading back to Hogwarts and talk to Hermione all about my birthday and the holidays.

"Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday," she smiles and I nod. I take out my new books and show them to her. She looks at them and reads the first few pages of a couple of them.

"Can I read them when you're done?"

"Sure," I smile and she smiles back. I open one and read a bit, jumping in and out of Chloe and Hermione's conversation. Chloe tells her about how Christmas was boring, same as it was for me. Our family's typically don't do anything for Christmas, since my birthday is the day right after. Chloe still gets presents, but my birthday presents are my Christmas presents in two, Hermione tells us how her parents were happy to see her and how they loved spending Christmas together.

We arrive back at Hogwarts, a bit passed lunch and I am thrilled to eat and tell my friends all about my birthday. Some kids are waiting for us to come back, Seamus being one of them. He waits for Chloe and Hermione as well and the four of us walk to the Great Hall. The conductor has our bags under control, with some professors watching. I see that lunch is sandwiches and chips and I run to get started.

"Do you not get this stuff at home?" Seamus asks.

"Rarely, my mom doesn't really like this kind of stuff. She says it's unhealthy."

"Hm," Seamus sighs and we all dig in.

"So, how was your holiday?"

"Slow, but relaxing."

"Nice, it was my birthday yesterday," I say and Seamus stops eating and hugs me.

"Happy Birthday!" he says and Dean, Harry and Ron look over.

"It's today?" Dean asks.

"No, it was yesterday."

"Good enough," Dean says and hugs me form across the table. Harry pats my shoulder and Ron shakes my hand. Fred and George come passed and wonder what the big deal is.

"Yesterday was my birthday," I smile and they hug me and tell me congratulations.

"Thanks," I smile and they walk to sit with their older friends. I eat an apple as Seamus makes his way through his fourth sandwich. He finishes and we go up to the dorm so I can unpack and possible take a little nap. We walk up all the steps and finally arrive.

"Nothing interesting happened here?" I ask.

"No, but we got some nice Christmas presents."

"What did you get?"

"My mom and dad sent some new clothes and a few little odds and ends."

"Nothing major?"

"No, except for a Gryffindor lion statue. Looks nice, I'll show you when we get up there." He runs up to his dorm and I wait by the fire and he comes down not a minute later with the statue. It has red, yellow and other Gryffindor like color gems making it sparkle and shine.

"It's beautiful!" I exclaim.

"Thanks, I love it too. My mom remember I liked it a few months before I left and decided to get it for me."

"It's really cool." I say and he lets me hold it. I turn it around carefully and then hand it back.

"I'm going to go and unpack, I will see you down here in no more then a half hour."

"Alright," he says and I go up to my dorm, where my trunk and bag I took with me are waiting to be  unpacked. I pop them open and begin my organizing. I put all my clothes in a pile for them to be washed and all the clothes that I didn't wear in the appropriate drawer. When all my clothes are appropriately placed, I start on my new presents and other stuff. I am nearly done, when Chloe comes up and starts on her unpacking.

"Are you almost done?" she asks.

"Yeah, it's not that hard."

"And that's coming from you."

"Yes, it is," I laugh and put my new books in a pile on my side table, that already has six books on it, most being from the library, but whatever. I finally get everything organized and put away and I go back downstairs and see Seamus sitting at a table, writing in a notebook.

"Hey," I say and sit down next to him.

"Hey, look," he says and shows me his notebook. It has a picture of me and him, with a Christmas tree.


"I don't know, I'm bored," he laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Do you want to go outside?" I ask.

"Sure, why not?" he says and we go to leave.

"You might want to put your drawing away," I mention.

"Right," he says and runs to put it in his dorm. He comes down and we go outside. The corridors are partially empty and very cold. I start to shiver, but only slightly. But, of course Seamus notices.

"You cold?"

"Yeah a bit, but I'll be fine."

"Here," he says and hands me his scarf.


"Yes, at least a scarf. Please?" he asks and I sigh.

"Fine." I put it on and we get outside into the cold. I have only a sweater and my jeans on so I am colder than normal, but the scarf is helping a bunch, surprisingly. We walk down by the lake and sit under a tree. It's warm, but not summer warm. My coldness goes away, but my hands are numb. I look at them and Seamus notices.

"Hands too?"

"A bit, but I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes." I say and we look out at the frozen stiff lake. It's pretty and I think of all the fish and creatures under the icy surface.

"It must be freezing under there."

"Probably is," Seamus agrees and we hear someone moving. I look behind and see Dean, Ron and Harry.

"Honestly?" I ask rather loudly. Dean and Harry crack up, leaning on each other for support and fall over into the cold, wet snow. I burst out in laughter and so does Seamus.

"Now, that's funny," I say between breaths. They get up and stand and we decide to go in. Harry and Dean go up to change and I go with Seamus to the Great Hall to warm up by the fire. My numb hands go back to normal and I take the scarf off and hand it back.

"Thanks, it helped a lot actually," I say.

"Anytime," he smiles and sets it down on his left. I look into the fire and watch the logs burn. Seamus gets up and stands in front of me, blocking my view.

"What?" I ask, confused. Then he grabs my wrist and pulls me into a hug. The best one we have shared yet. He holds me close, and I put my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you a lot," he says.


"Why what?"

"Why did you miss me so much? Why have you been so sweet to me?"

"Because  I missed you more than you can imagine."

"Sure you did."

"No, honestly I did."

"Whatever," I joke. We don't break apart for a long time but when we do, we look at each other. He looks into my eyes, but we break apart our eye contact and our post hugging position.

"Well, I'll see you later," he says and walks away.

"Bye," I call after and he waves. I sigh and wonder what just happened, because for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. Was he? No, that would be crazy. Him, kiss me? I roll my eyes and laugh at the thought. We won't kiss for a long time I think but some part of me doubts that.

My First Gryffindor Love (year one) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now