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I awake and sigh at the thought that today I will go home for the summer. I force myself out of bed and wake up Chloe gently. She moans and turns to face me.

"Get up, we have to leave today," I say and start to put my last remaining things away. When they are packed and I am changed, I help Chloe so that everything goes faster. She thanks me and we go down to breakfast. It's an emotion fest, kids crying, hugging some older ones kissing. I sigh and sit down, trying to get started eating before I start to cry. Chloe hugs me and sits down, telling my emotion. I laugh and she laughs slightly. We eat and then all of our friends come down in pairs and groups. Seamus comes down and I hug him tight. I don't want to not see him all summer.

"Promise to write?" I ask and he looks at me funny.

"Are you actually asking me this? Of course I will write!" he says and I start to cry.

"Aww, don't cry," he says but it doesn't help.

"I'm going to miss you," I choke out between tears. He hugs me a bit tighter and I wipe my eyes.

"You going to be okay?" he asks and I and go to hug my other friends. Lavender is crying and so is Hermione. Harry and I hug for a brief second and Ron and I shake hands. I find Fred and George and we hug really as a group.

"And to think we met on the train because of a toad," I say and the twins laugh.

"And to think that we would be friends," Fred teases.

"Yeah I thought you were really mean," George says going along with his brother. I roll my eyes and we laugh together. These boys will be my friends, whither Ron likes it or not. I go to say goodbye to Neville when Dean interrupts me.

"Where's my hug?" he asks.

"You don't get one," I laugh then open my arms for a hug. He accepts and we hug but Seamus comes over and starts to joke.

"Is there something going on that I should know about?"

"Oh yes, Seamus, we are dating! What do you think?" I say sarcastically and he jumps back.

"What!" he says going with it. The three of us laugh for a while then Neville walks over all shy like and I hug him.

"Oh, Neville, I'm going to miss you!" I say and he smiles.

"Me too," he says. We break apart then I go to stand by Seamus. Neville walks away and I look at Dean. He gets a clue then blocks us so we can leave momentarily. We walk briskly to an empty hall near the Great Hall then stop and kiss.

"I'm going to miss you so much," I say and break out into tears again.

"I'll miss you too," Seamus says and strokes my hair. He tilts my head gently up and kisses me again. I will miss him so much. How will my parents react when they find out, if I choose to tell them or let them find out. I'll be secretive about it, heck they won't even think that I have a boyfriend. Let alone a half blood, which my mother won't like. She wants me to marry a pureblood. Sigh, we barely ever get along at home, but that's beside the point. Seamus and I finish kissing, but it lingers.

"You linger," I accuse.

"Sorry," he says but I turn my face. He groans and tries again and I accept. We kiss for a long time, letting it last. His lips are soft as satin and fit mine perfectly. This is one thing I will miss terribly. He break apart, this time no linger. We hug tight and he picks me up and spins me around. I giggle and he smiles. We walk back and sit with our friends. No one seems to have noticed our absence, except Chloe and Dean, who smile when they see us. We walk to them as if nothing happened. Then a teacher says it's time to board. We all gather our stuff we need for where ever and head to the train.

My First Gryffindor Love (year one) [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora