Two Weeks Later; No Injuries and An Awesome Qudditch Match

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Chapter 5-

It has been two weeks and classes are getting better. Transfiguration is still a bit slow, but I'm just happy we are just doing stuff with our wands. Charms, well I have learned how to make things levitate using Wingardium Leviosa and that lesson ended with Seamus having another trip to the Hospital Wing. I on the other hand haven't gone back since the first day, and still hope to keep it that way. Potions is still terrible, as Snape hates me since I apparently am a disruption to class. He hates Seamus even more though, since he on the first day blew up his potion.

But my favorite class is Flying, as I am one of the best flyers in the class. Harry has left since he doesn't seem to need it. Which leaves me and Draco as the best. Madame Hooch is teaching us how to gain speed right after lift off. She says that when we are all done learning and mastering the skill that we will play small matches of Quidditch. That is the day I am looking forward to. The day I get to play Quidditch against Draco.

Today I wake up and head down to breakfast to see Chloe, Hermione and Ron all sitting together.

"Where's Harry?" I ask.

"Getting ready for Quidditch, remember?" Ron asks.

"That's right, I knew that," I laugh and sit down. Today is the first Quidditch match but we have a few classes before, while the Quidditch players warm up and go over some stuff with the team captain. I grab some pancakes and a glass of marmalade and sit down next to Chloe.

"Did you sleep good?" she asks.

"Yes and you?"

"Yeah really well," she says and bites into some toast. I eat in silence and wait for some kind of conversation to start. Dean comes in and sits by me.

"Seamus not down here?" he asks.

"No, I figured he was still asleep," I say.

"I didn't see him up in the dormitory."

"Oh great. Seamus is missing and the Quidditch match is today. That's fun," I sigh and finish eating.

"Yeah, bet we'l have to find him, you know, so the teachers don't freak out," Dean sighs and eats a bit. I finish and talk to Ron a bit about how his brothers are on the team and are helping Harry out for his first game, but then Dean nudges me and we get up to go and find Seamus.

"Where could he be?" I ask.

"Either in a class room, the Hospital Wing, or in Gryffindor Tower," Dean thinks.

"Okay, lets check the Hospital Wing quick and then go from there," I say and we head over. The hallways are pretty much empty but it makes it easy to get to the wing. We arrive and open the doors. Madame Pomfrey comes out of her office and looks at us.

"What, you two don't seem injured or sick," she says and looks us up and down.

"Seamus, has he been here?" Dean asks.

"No, not since Friday. Thank heavens, that boy is worth more trouble than he's worth," Madame Pomfrey exclaims and walks to her office. Dean and I look at each other and sigh.

"Okay, so maybe the tower?" I ask and he nods.

"Let's try," he says. We run/ jog to the Tower and when we get inside, it is completely empty except for the furniture and a couple ghosts sitting around. I see Nearly Headless Nick and go over to him.

"Ahh, Evana what can I do for you?" He asks.

"Have you seen my friend, Seamus Finnigan?" I ask a bit hurriedly.

My First Gryffindor Love (year one) [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora