1.5- Taking Flight

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"I can't tell if he looks healthy or not," Hunk said.

"I think he's breathing weird," Pidge said.

"Oh, come on!" Keith yelled.

"Not yet! A few more ticks." Allura then said.

They were all looking at Lance when he was in a pod. I stood a litte bit far away trying to relax a little. I woke up from a healing pod just a few hours ago and I think I never been so happy to wake up. I looked at them while they were inspecting Lance. Apparently, they have dragged us into a pod and been there for.... I don't know how long.

"How much better do you think he's gonna get in a few more ticks?" Keith asked. I smirk at him. I might have been sleeping and half dead but I still remember his bonding moment.

"And what exactly is a tick?" Pidge asked. I finally walked over to them standing beside Shiro. Allura looks at us confused. "You know, a time slice."

"Like a second?" Shiro asked.

"What is a second?" Asked Allura. I smiled at her. "A second is a second show her pidge," I told pidge.

"Like this," Pidge takes up her orange thing and show a second Allura looked at it and then look up at us. "I'm not sure. I think ticks are bigger." She then turned to look at Coran. "Coran, do you have a ticker?"

"Right here, princess," He takes up a blue screen and shows us a tick. It was definitely bigger than a second. I walked over to it with Allura and looked at it. "I think ticks are a little slower," Hunk says.

"I can't tell. We have to start them at the same time." Pidge said. I nodded in agreement and looked at the clocks.

"Okay. Ready, go!" Coran said. They started the clocks at the same time. all of us looked at them. "Yes! I think we're winning." Hunk said in happiness.

"Winning what? The intergalactic time-measuring competition?" Keith asked. I looked at him in surprise. "Did you just came up with that?"

"Yes," Hunk answers and we all look at the clocks again.

"You guys having a clock party?"

we all tunes around to see a very high looking lance. He must have come out when we were looking at the clocks.

"Aw, Lance, you ruined it." Hunk started but then soon realise Lance was out. "Hey, Lance!" He takes Lance into a hug.

"What happened?" Lance slowly asks. I giggle a little.

"We can tell you all about it while you get something to eat. Are you able to walk?" Alura asked and clap him on the back. Lance then give her his flirting smirk. "Talking? Eating? Are you asking me out on a date?"

I facepalm to his comment and sigh. "He is back," I said. I stood beside Keith.

"Yep, he's okay" Both Shiro and Pidge say.

"Classic." Keith comments.

Time Skip

We all were looking at Lance while he was eating. I sat on the table while listening to them telling him the story. I never got to hear it either so I was very interested.

"You'd be Sendak's Prisoner right now, if not for Pidge," Allura told us. I looked at Pidge and gave her a smile.

"Well, you wouldn't have survived the explosion if Hunk and Coran hadn't gotten a new crystal." Page told us.

"Wow. thanks, everybody. Sounds like the mice did more than you, though." Lance said and turned to Keith. "I punched Sendak!" Keith said in an irritated voice.

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