Chapter 12 - I fell in love with you.

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* Dream *

"Niall? How did you get here?" It was dark everywhere. Just me and Niall in a completely black room. All I could see was him. He came closer to me, grinning. He put his arms around my waist and kissed me. I was totally electrified. It was perfection, but suddenly, it all changed. "Niall..? Niall!", I yelled at him. He disappeared in the darkness. He just disintegrated in thin air. My body fell down on my knees and I cried. I cried, shouting his name. "You can't leave me! Niall, I need you! I.. I love you!"

* Dream end *

I woke up. My face was totally wet of sweat. I tried to catch my breath and sat in my bed. I began to cry. I cried as hard as never before. Why wont he love me? Why is everything so difficult, when it could be so easy? Why? I decided to call someone. I didn't want to tell Li, because I didn't want her to care. I finally typed Harry's number in. I thought about it a few seconds, but then pushed the 'call' button. It rang 5 times and I was actually up to hang up, when Harry accepted the call. "Hello?", he asked. I could tell, I woke him up. Well. It was almost 2am. "Hey.. I-it's Phie..", I said in a evenly voice. I cracked up some times. "Hey, what's up so late? It's almost 2..?", "I.. I had a nightmare. And I didn't want to wake up Li. Do you have a few minutes for me?", "Yes.. Um.. Sure! Tell me, what happened!", he said in an encouraging voice. "I dreamed about Niall and me. It was just perfect.", "Wait.. Wait! Niall and you?", "Yes, but at first, let me tell my dream. Than I explain everything. Okay?", "Go on!", "Yes.. It was perfect. He kissed me. It was incredible. But than.. he.. he just went away. And didn't come back.", I began to cry again. "Hey Phie! It was only just a dream! Please, stop crying. It breaks my heart.", "But.. I couldn't. He left me, Haz! Without any reason.", "But.. It wasn't real, Phie! I don't understand why you had such an nightmare. Niall is your best friend, isn't he? Why would he leave you?", "He isn't my best friend.", "Isn't he?", "No! I'm just a friend of him!", "But.. You really like him!", "Yes.. he's perfect. Even I see his smile, I get an incredible feeling in my stomach.", "Then, tell him!", "No! He just like me as a friend.", "I don't think so. Please, stop being that sad. What are you going to do tomorrow?", "Laying in my bed and cry!", "Phie, stop that! It was just a dream! Please! Please stop it, for me!", "Harry.." Nobody said anything for a few seconds. "What about playing football with Lou tomorrow? We could go in the Hyde park." I didn't know, what to answer. I was just too sad to play football. But I couldn't be sad all day long. "Okay.. Tomorrow. And when?" We talked the completely night about our plans or the next day, about me and Niall and about the main theme: Li and Zayn.


"Harry? Are you awake?" I heard a noise. "Mhmmm. Morning!", someone mumbled. I saw that Harry and me were stil calling. Lou talked to Harry. "Who is at the mobile?". "M-mobile? .. What? Ah .. erm.. it's Phie but. Shhh! She fell asleep 10 minutes ago.", "Okay?", "Yes! We are going to play football today with her in the Hyde park.", "Even if you're that tired?", "Yes!" I just listening to them. "You're wearing my shirt?", "Yes.. It's my favourite!", Lou yelled at Haz. I couldn't help, but giggled. Harry heard me. "Phie? Are you awake?", "Morning! What time ist it?", "Um.. Let me take a quick look, love ... It's..  7.30am.", "What? We talked about 6 hours?!", "You want to hang up?", "No.. Erm.. I just take a quick shower and then I'm back. Alright?", "Sure! Take your time!" I went in the bathroom and jumped under the shower. I just thought about my dream last night. It was so horrible. But Harry took my sadness and the fear about Niall leaving me in future. I hurried up, because I didn't want Harry to wait so long.

I changed my clothes and went back to my bed, where my phone was laying. "I'm back!", "Hey Phie! Harry is putting on his clothes.", "Oh yeah, that's right. Harry is sleeping nude. I forgot." I couldn't help but laugh, when I thought about, talking to Haz, while he was nude. "Yes! So, we are going to play football today?", "Erm, yes! What time did he say?", "1.30pm at Hyde park.", "Okay.. I'm hungry!" I went downstairs, with the boys on the phone. I looked in the fridge and took some eggs. "Phie?", "Hey nude boy!", "I'm not nude.. anymore!", he defended himself. I couldn't hide a laughter. "Anymore..", I laughed. I got on the phone and started to prepare the breakfast. "Gosh, what are you doing? It's so loud!", "I'm making breakfast for everyone.", "Everyone includes me and Lou, too!", he giggled. "Do you want to come over?", "No, thank you. Louis is already buying some buns. But the next time, maybe!" We talked for one more hour,when suddenly a door opened. I saw, it was Nialls. "Harry, I'm going to hang up, now! Niall's awake, now. See you later at Hyde park. And thank you again. Love you!", "Okay. See you later, honey! Love ya, too!" And then I hung up. Niall sat, as usually, already at the table, waiting for me. I went towards him and sat down next to him. "Morning, beautiful. You talked with Harry?", he asked curious. "Yeah, I was bored and so, I decided to call him in the morning. We're going to play football this afternoon. Do you want to come with us?", "I'm sorry, but Liam, Danielle and me are going to go to cinema today. But next time, sure!" Nobody said anything. We were just eating. Li was still asleep. 

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