Li & Phie - Profiles

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I got many requests to make a profile for Li and Phie. It was kinda confusing, because I didn't really introduced them to you. That's why I am going to do this, now! (: x

Let's start with Phie.

Name: Sophie Weber

From: Berlin, but moved to London

Birthday: June 15, 1996

Look: long, brown; light wavy hair; blue-grey eyes; 5'2/1,57m

Relationship status: single / fallen in love

Best female friend: Cristina

Best male friend: Niall 

Family: has 3 siblings, 1 brother, 2 sisters; her parents are divorced; she has 2 nephews

Favourite food: Cake or kiwi's

Favourite song: Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran

Likes: singing, skating, football and beaches

Dislikes: fake blonds, jealously, annoying fangirlies, maths

Relation to.: - Niall: is her best friend in London and has always an advise for her; in love with him.

                 - Harry: when Niall and her relation becomes strange, he's there for her; he's in love with her

                  - Zayn: especially when it's about Li, Zayn asks always Phie, normal friendship.

                 - Louis: When she needs to be cheered up he always knows how; close friendship, no more

                  - Liam: don't have a close relation, but they're good friends, especially 'cuz he's Ni's BF.

                      - Li: she always cares for her, even though, there's nothing to care for; true sisters love. 

Specifics: she's able to play the piano and the drums, but can't play the guitar (yet); she can speak German, French, English and a bit of Latin; is able to play football; gets love from everybody (and she doesn't even do anything for it); hardly ever become jealous; really sensitive; has about 300 different colours of nail polish


 Now, I'll introduce Li to you (:

Name: Linda Weber

From: Berlin, but moved to London 

Birthday: July 4th, 1998 

Look: long, brown, wavy hair; deep blue eyes; 5'3/1,64m

Relationship status: single / fallen in love

Best female friend: Vanessa / Nessie

Best male friend: Louis/Zayn

Family: has 3 siblings, 1 brother, 2 sisters; her parents are divorced; she has 2 nephews

Favourite food: everything!

Favourite song: Na Na Na 

Likes: singing, drawing, playing guitar, skating

Dislikes: darkness, bees, haters, jealously

Relation to : - Niall: since she knows, Phie's in love with him, she tries to bring them together; close

                 - Harry: a really good friend; she loves to hang out with him

                  - Zayn: her best friend of the boys and the one, she's fallen in love for.

                 - Louis: good relation; always hanging out together, when she's bored

                  - Liam: when she needs a male advise, he's there for her; good friendship

                  - Phie: always caring for her, because she doesn't like it, when somebody is kidding her.

Specifics: is able to play the guitar; think poorly of realtionships; can eat as much as Niall; has a little difficult character, but she's totally adorable; isn't jealous at all; doesn't show her emotions often; love tea; loves horror thrillers (books and films)

I hope it's everything you ever wanted to know about them! I tried to give my best, because I was in a hurry! The picture on the right, that them. Left is Li with blond hair (she dyed it) and right is Phie, of course. Keep going on reading and voting and leaving comments! I love you all, you know that! (: xx


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