Authors Note

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Hello, my lovely fans. 

This is the first time, I'm writing an authors note, so please don't judge me. Some of you might wonder, why I'm writing this here. But it's pretty simple to explain. I'm telling you a bit about the Story. Usually, it's not that important, but I really wanted to let you know. :)

Alright. First of all. There are only 5 more chapters planned. So we will end with 31 Chapters. Well. Plus a epilogue. But I'm not sure, yet, whether I'm writing a epilogue or not. It depends on how I'll end the last chapter. 

Second. I'm always open for questions and suggestions. So don't be shy, just ask me what ever you want to know. I won't answer any question about how the story is meant to go on. There are two reasons for. 1st: I want to keep it suspenseful. 2nd: I don't really know, how the story will be like. I'm not really planning everything. Sometimes, it depends on my mood or  the music I'm currently listening to.

And last but not least, I wanna thank you all. I haven't expected, that my story would be so demanded. It's the first, I've ever wrote and so I'm really thankful. For every read, vote or comment. Everything of this means a lot to me. And I use this possibility to excuse myself for every mistake. I'm originally German and so it's a bit harder for me.

This is it, at first. If there is something, you wanna ask, that bothers you or something else just tell  me. I don't bite. :)

Love you all soooooooooooooooooooooo... *3 years later* ...ooooooooo much!
- Phie XX

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