Predator Mark x tiny reader

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There will be slight vore in this, if you do not wish to experience it, you can just skip over it, I will give a warning.

Y/n's POV

I was sitting in my little borrower home, within some guys walls, who I didn't bother getting to know the owner. I was sitting watching Markiplier, the one guy who cheers me up when I'm down, the one guy who brings a smile to my face everyday, the one guy..... I'll never meet. And I know I will never meet him, because he's a predator and I'm a borrower, our kind don't get along. I was watching Markiplier TV, when I realized that I hadn't gone borrowing like I had planned to do weeks ago. I paused the video and gathered somethings I would need, like a bag, and headed on my way. I crawled out from behind the coffee maker and walked out onto the counter.

I looked around me cautiously, to make sure no one else was around, and for any food that was left laying out. My eyes landed on some fruit pieces laying out on the counter. I went over and quickly shoved pieces into my bag, not noticing the footsteps coming my way. A shadow was cast over me, and then I realized what a horrible mistake I had made. I didn't even bother turning to look up at the human, I just froze like a deer in headlights, motionless "I knew I smelled a borrower" Wait smelled?! Oh god oh no, he's a predator!! But the thing I found most weird was that he sounded exactly like Mark.

He reached his hand towards me, and my instincts kicked in, adrenaline pumping through my blood, I used all my energy to escape my awaiting demise and sprinted back to my home in the wall. But the hand reached me before I could reach it. Tan trunk like fingers curled around my waist and hoisted me up into the air, time seemed to stop as my eyes widened at the predators face. Because the predator I was living with, being captured by right now, is Mark, the person who has brought me so much joy and happiness in my life, was going to be my downfall. Tears started rolling down my face, as time sped back up again, I didn't want to think what my hero, the person I looked up to, would do to me. Just because of our height size, but the government had to make it legal for some reason, to see us borrowers as the scum of the earth, rodents, and that we should all be wiped out of existence.

Mark lifted me up to his face, and started licking his lips. I whimpered, not wanting to..... I wanted to say something, anything, but nothing came out. "Hello, my little snack, I'm really going to enjoy you.." I started crying even more, as I was lifted above Marks head, and over the gaping mouth of my hero.

Vore warning turn back now

His hand released me and I started falling into his mouth, I landed on something squishy, and wet. His tongue, it started moving, licking every inch of me, swishing me around in his mouth. He finally got bored of me, and decided to swallow, I was descending to my demise with every swallow he took. My arms were pinned against my side, and I couldn't do anything to prevent this from happening.

End of vore

I landed in his stomach, and I can tell you, it wasn't the storage stomach. I was really going to die, by the person I looked up to, I at least wanted to try and talk to him before I died. "Ummm soooo Mark" I didn't really know what to say to him "Uh, before I die I just wanted to say: Thank you, thank you for all the videos you've made, thank you for being there for me when I needed it, thank you for... Making smile everyday."

Marks POV

I had just gotten done swallowing the borrower infesting my home, when I heard them start to speak to me. "Ummm soooo Mark" My heart froze, They they know my name, which can only mean..... Oh god!! They didn't stop there though. "Uh, before I die I just wanted to say: Thank you, thank you for all the videos you've made, thank you for being there for me when I needed it, thank you for... Making smile everyday." Tears started rolling down my face, I can't believe I had just eaten one of my fans. I clamped my hands over my mouth, as I realized that I had no way to get them out, they weren't in storage. I wanted to say something, anything, but nothing came out. There was only one thing I could think of...... Making a deal with Dark.


I walked up to dark, afraid of what he might do. "Dark, I want to make a deal with you.... I ate a borrower that was in my house.... And it turns out they're a fan....I want them out." He smiled at me and told me that he would take them out, if I agreed to be a borrower for the rest of my life. I almost decided it wasn't worth it, but I said yes because of the fan. I woke up, and the fan was next to me, and we were on the counter borrower size. I got a text from Jack saying that he was coming over, and couldn't wait to see me. The fan next to me woke up and started backing away. "Hey, I I'm sorry about earlier. The only resin your still alive is because I made a deal with Dark." They smiled at me and, hugged me.

"I'm Y/n, if you want I can take you back to my place" I nodded my head and the led me behind the coffee maker, and through tunnels, that led to their house. Is this what it felt like? To be a borrower? I feel really bad that I eat them now. I felt even more bad when they led me to their house, they walked in and I looked around, it was small, and there wasn't a lot in there.
They didn't even a bed, there was just a candy wrapper as a blanket on the ground. They had one chair which was a cotton ball, and they had a small phone, which a video was paused on. I looked at what they were watching and it was Markipler TV.
"Y/n, I feel really horrible, I'm so sorry. I didn't know life was this hard for you guys." I looked at my phone, which had made a dinging noise, it was Jack saying that he was almost to my house. I had given him a spare key to the door because I trust him. But when I'm this size, I don't know if I can trust another predator. "Hey, I don't know if you know Jack, but he's coming over.." I said hesitantly. Their face lit up, but then they realized why I hesitated.

"Ummm maybe he won't eat us?" They said. We heard the front door open, "Mark? You in here?" Jack called out. "Y/n I don't know what to do" They grabbed my hand and led me through the tunnels and behind the coffee maker "Stay here" And they walked out.

Jacks POV

I walked into Marks home, and instantly caught sent of 2 borrowers living here. "Mark you here?" I called out, no response. I was starting to get worried, he wasn't even here, and he didn't answer my texts. The borrower sent was getting stronger, I looked to the counter and saw someone standing there. I walked over to them and picked them up, the didn't try to run away, they let me grab them. I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and looked to where I saw movement, and it was Mark!? What the heck? I put the borrower on the counter and picked up Mark, I set him on my palm and brought him to eye level with me.

He was the exact size of a borrower. "Mark, what the heck happened?" He started telling me everything, including the deal he made with Dark. I felt bad for the fan though, I was about to do the same thing he did to them. I'm just glad I saw Mark before I did, or things wouldn't have ended well. My stomach made a noise and Mark instantly started backing up, "hey, I'm not going to eat you, your my best friend!" He sighed and then looked back to the fan, and then to me again.

"No I'm not going to eat them either" they both smiled at me. "Wait, so you're stuck like this forever now?" Mark nodded his head. I felt bad for both of them. I couldn't just let the live here alone... "Hey, how do you guys feel about coming home with me, and staying with me?" They both nodded their heads, I placed the hand with Mark in it next to the person. "What's your name?" They responded with Y/n. It's a pretty name, I like it. We went back to my house and everything A Ok

Until Anti showed up.......

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