pred Jack x tiny pred anti ( vore )

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Anti's pov

"Jack wait!! Think about this!!" I went too far this time with torturing Jack. He somehow shrank me down to an inch tall. I hate this... Everything is colossal compared to me. He just laughed as he picked me up in a fist. Hunger in his burning blue eyes craving torture me like I did to him. "No Anti I've been tortured long enough. This is only a little payback."

He squeezed me hard like a stress ball. Blood started dripping from my mouth as I looked up at his colossal being. I could barely breathe as my bones were being crushed by his grip.

He finally released the tight grip and I took in deep breaths. He just laughed as he watched me struggling to get out of his hand. "Please let me go!..." He thought for a moment before his grip on me unfolded and I went crashing down towards the ground.

I screamed my lungs out and landed on the ground and I heard a loud snap.... Shit I screamed again but it was muffled due to the floor tears pricked in my eyes and started rolling down my face.

I tried moving my leg but it was broken. I was suddenly lifted into the air, I screamed in surprise. I was met with jacks smirking face as he laughed at my attempts to get free. I started crying and he laughed more, "Little bug gonna cry?" He mocked in a stupid voice. I tried to get free even more because I know he wants to kill me.

"No escape anti it's too late I already know what I'm going to do to you. It's something you've done to me in my nightmares many times before."

Oh god he can't be talking about THAT! "No! Please anything but that!!" He just laughed evilly, as his stomach growled. I started hyperventilating. I never wanted THIS to happen! "Jack I'm sorry for torturing you! Please!! Don't do this!!!" I pleaded for my life as he just shook his head. "No you deserve this anti for everything you've ever done. To me and everybody."

He lifted me by my bad leg and over his face, he opened his mouth to reveal sharp canines glistening in his mouth dripping with saliva. His grip on me loosened a little and I screamed. He let go of me and I was plummeting towards death. He closed his mouth and started tasting me and humming.

I started clawing at everything I could to get him to spit me out. Nothing was working he swallowed me and my feet and legs were being pulled down into his throat I started clawing at his tongue but he swallows again and now my waist is in his throat. I starting trying to plead with him again, he wouldn't listen. My arms and chest are next, my arms being pinned to my sides and I could hear him laughing inside his head, I just started crying as I traversed down his throat and down to his stomach which I knew wasn't going to be storage. I landed in his stomach and instantly curled up into a ball.

Jacks POV

I was able to shrink anti with the shrinking potion I stole from Marvin's room he's vored me so many times now I'm sick of it.. Time for him to see what it feels like. I'm not storing him, he deserves every bit of this torture I give him.

Y/n's POV

I was looking for anti my best friend I figured he and Jack got into another argument so I walked to jacks house and used the key anti gave me, I head screams so I quickly entered and went to jacks room. I quietly opened the door just in time to see anti being dropped into jacks mouth. My mouth dropped open silently as I heard a gulp and realized what Jack was doing, I was a fan yes but I never though Jack would do this.

He turned around and saw me and he growled. "Jack, let anti out." I started calmly. He shook his head and then realized something. "Wait a minuet your a fan?" Oh forgot to mention me and Jack haven't met yet. "Why do you want anti out?" He asked with slight annoyance. "Because he's my best friend and I care about people unlike you, you monster I can't believe I was ever a fan." I ran out with tears in my eyes that my only friend was eaten by my former hero.

Jacks POV

Shit. Not that I care about anti but I do care about my fans, although  not sure their a fan anymore but it doesn't matter anti is finally gone and I don't have to worry about anything anymore.

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