Tequila Nights

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"You know, I don't think tequila is meant to be drunk in such quantities" came the voice from beside me. It belonged to a girl... Stacy was her name, I think. Or it might have been Sarah; there was definitely an S in there somewhere. Of that I was almost certain. I couldn't really be blamed for not remembering though, I had only met her maybe an hour or so ago. It was fresher's night after all. The fact I was only seventeen wasn't an issue, a fake drivers license is hardly the hardest thing to get a hold of if you know where to look.

It had been a good night so far, if you could get over the fact that my bottle of tequila was almost empty. I had always preferred tequila to the other spirits, it just seemed to burn better on the way down and my favourite brand had these funny little hats for lids that I was crazy for.

It must have been close to midnight and I was on my way back to... Katie? No there was definitely an S in there; I'll just call her Stacy for now. Anyway I was on my way back to Stacy's house, well dormitory. She was also a fresher at the University of Maidenbury, and she, like me had been out celebrating as was traditional for the first week. It had been fate, or much more likely the several shots and bottles of drink, that had lead to where we were now, drunkenly staggering back to her dorms for, as she called it, 'a bottle of something special'.

It had been a while since I had said something, especially considering she had just spoken and was now giving me that almost pouty looks girls get when you don't pay them enough attention. I felt her shiver next to me as the cool night air nipped at her exposed arms, legs and midriff.

"Here" I said, unwrapping myself from her arm and shrugging of my leather jacket to hand to the girl. The chills of the night immediately tried to nip under my skin, but a combination of my natural tolerance and the warm flames of tequila kept them at bay as Stacy wrapped herself snug in my jacket, which encompassed her smaller frame and hung teasingly down to her mid thigh. I spared a brief though to what she would look like with only the jacket on.

She thanked me for the jacket then gripped back onto my arm, pressing herself drunkenly, but not sloppily, into my side for an extra bit of warmth. I took another swig from my tequila bottle and offered it to the girl beside me. She took another gulp from the bottle. It was such a shame I would never see her again after tomorrow morning, she was very cute with a million-watt smile and hints of a light dusting of freckles were visible under her light layer of glittery makeup. It was a change from my usual, but then I'd never been one to have a type, and freshers was for experimenting was it not?

"This way" she said, pulling gently to take me through a dark alley that I hoped was a shortcut back to her dorms. The feel of her body pressed against mine was testing my resolve as it was. Still, I was almost hesitant to go down the alley for some reason, which was rather strange for someone like me who spent their night haunting just such places usually.

Into the alley we staggered, going further and further away from the streetlights and deeper into the darkness at the other end of which was hopefully her dorms.

Suddenly I found myself pressed up against a wall. My head banged against the rough brickwork but the pain never came as my senses took in the feel of Stacy's tongue, which had forcefully entered my mouth. I could taste the sweet combination of fruity cocktails and the familiar sting of tequila on her as we clashed in my mouth. Soon enough I wrestled dominance away from the small, but surprisingly strong girl and my tongue entered her own mouth as I drunk in more of the girl's sweet taste. I reversed our positions, pressing her between the wall and myself even as I took the care not to smash her head into the wall as she had done me. Without my jacket Stacy was gripping handfuls of my hair and shirt to pull me closer and deeper into her. One had drifted down below her hip and lifted her lithe body up; I pressed myself into her to keep her stable, earning a rather loud moan from the girl as I did so.

"I thought the bottle was back at yours?" I asked cheekily as I peppered kisses down the side of her neck, tasting the salty drops of sweat as I did so.

"There's nothing wrong with a little taster" she replied breathlessly before pulling my hair and crashing her lips against mine once again. For such a small girl, she was quite the aggressive minx. Perhaps she would be one of the few to warrant a second visit.

Finally, after a lot more than what I would consider a 'little taster', considering the dishevelled nature of both our clothes and bodied we broke apart. The alley suddenly seemed so much shorter, and I could see the streetlights at the other end, beyond which was the blessed sight of the student dorms where Stacy lived.

Grasping my hand firmly, the short girl set of at a jog, pulling me close behind even as her drunken laughter echoes in the tight walls of the alley. I picked my bottle of tequila from the floor, where I had placed it as soon as Stacy had attacked me (not that I was complaining) and took a brief swig even as I followed in the far too cheerful girls wake.

I suppose it was then, when I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, that the night really turned sour. 

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