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"I'm sorry it came to this Blake, but you simply refused to believe anything my loyal servants had told you." The voice that filled my senses was soft, melodic and somehow enticing in the simplicity of her tone. Whoever was speaking did indeed sound, at least partially, sorry.

I felt the ground beneath my feet before I dared open my eyes. It was grass! Damp, cold grass. I could feel its soft texture under the rough palm of my hands as I ran them around my immediate area, as if I somehow searching for the carpet that had been beneath my feet only seconds before.

It wasn't possible. It can't be real. There was no way I had just been teleported from the nightclub to the middle of some damp, breezy field.

I couldn't deny my disbelief any longer however. I knew it all too be true. How could I really have ever doubted it, I heal myself with magical flames for fucks sake! Why was I really surprised Angel's and Devil's existed? I suppose it was time to accept the true that had been slapping me in the face for the past twenty-four hours.

I really had sold my soul to a devil.

It explained so much, this morning when I had heard the whisperings of my dorm mates from another room as if they had been screamed in my ear. The unnerving accuracy and power of my shots when I had participated in that football challenge earlier, even the lack of pain I had passed of as the result of my constant drinking when I had leapt from my window earlier.

I opened my eyes.

I had been brought to the centre of what seemed to be an ancient stone circle, in the middle of which stood two others and myself. One was the seductress from the club who had brought me here. She had changed into a form fitting black outfit, complete with hood that stopped low over her head. I had no doubt she could disappear into the night itself if she so wished. At her hips hung two short blades, both deadly sharp and humming with the same strange energy that had been used to bring us here.

The second woman was a familiar face to. Unlike the seductress she was not dressed in black, but rather had on crimson red, black and gold robes that would not have looked out of place on the queen or another member of royalty. Compared even to the seductress, whose very presence demanded a certain kind of fear, I could already tell this woman was not one to be messed with. Her powerful aura was almost visible, floating mere millimetres from her skin with the same crimson hue that seemed so abundant amongst the group. I recognised her because she had been the devil with whom I made the deal. The crimson haired goddess stood opposite me, a small smirk on her face.

I counted seven of the ancient stone pillars in total, all perfectly illuminated in the white hue of the full moon. There were more people than just the three of us who stop in the centre. In the gaps between the pillars stood four others, two men and two women. I recognised only Alexander, who was stood to the left of the other male, both were dressed in black and red armoured, a sword clipped to their hips and crimson red cloak flapping in the cool nights breeze. The other women were dressed in the same black assassin type garb as the seductress, but unlike her they had their hoods pulled to cover their faces.

The seductress took one of the short blades from her hip and offered the handle to me. I looked at her questioningly. It was the crimson goddess who answered however.

"It is for the blood oath." She said by way of explanation.

I ignored the offered blade. "What exactly is this blood oath?"

"You offered me any price which I desired in return for saving the life of the girl who had been stabbed. A life is required for a life, so states the law of equivalent exchange, you should consider yourself lucky I am claiming it in servitude, rather than outright." Replied the goddess, or I suppose Devil Queen would be more accurate.

A Devil's Pact (Celestial #1.1, Complete)Where stories live. Discover now