The First Devil I Ever Did Meet (Properly)

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When he had emerged from his room introductions had been made, it seemed for the first time judging by the way he not only greeted me but every one else sat around the communal area. The boy, who was admittedly well built with an obviously athletic body, much like that of a runner or lightweight boxer, introduced himself as Alexander. His accent was strange, slightly thicker than you'd expect of a native speaker, so my best guess was somewhere from northern Europe who had moved here either very young, or been raised in an English speaking household.

With the addition of Alex, our little eight-room cluster in the second floor west wing of Anselm house (for that was the name of our building) was now complete. We had rooms sixteen through to twenty-four in our sections, which was separated by the main halls and other clusters by numerous doors and white painted walls. I had room twenty-one, and just like the others it was a small room, separated from the communal area by a door and however far down the corridor I happened to be, which was actually only one door to the left of the wide opening that was the communal area. There were four, well five other boys now; Marcus, Alex, Will, Ryan and Joe in our little cluster, along with Chloe, Jessica and Fay, the three girls who had already left to do some shopping in the town centre with their new student discounts in preparation for yet more freshers week antics. 

I took my bacon and my now cold tea and retreated back to the safety of my room once introductions had been properly made. I still hadn't put a shirt on and whilst the midday sun streaming through the window was nice on my exposed torso, I couldn't take the goose bumps that had erupted over me when Alex had entered the room, and as I got further away from the boy, my body seemed to relax. Soon enough I made it back to my room.

Almost as soon as I had sat down there was a knock at the door. I waited for an announcement of who it was, but none came. Sighing, I threw myself up from the comfy mess of covers that was my bed and opened the door.


My mind screamed at me before I could even process who it was at the door. My right arm flew out to crash into the person's face, and it tingled and sparked with a power not to dissimilar from the flames that healed my body. I had thrown my full weight into the slog, and I wasn't exactly a slouch with my fists. I was surely going to break whoever's jaw had knocked on my door.

The next thing I knew I had been thrown to the ground. My furious fist hadn't made contact with anything but air, and my door had been closed silently, leaving no one any the wiser as to what had just happened.

There, standing over me with a cocky smirk and a relaxed expression, was Alex. The red tips of his hair seemed to almost be glowing in the sunlight that poured into my room. The goose bumps had emerged again across my skin, and I still felt uneasy around him. Something was screaming at me to attack, but I knew it wasn't a good idea, especially considering how thoroughly he had stopped my attack.

"Slow, but there's certainly power in you. I can see why the master chose to take your payment as she did." He said.

Master? What master? I hadn't paid anyone other than the university, but I hardly expected them to be the ones calling themselves master. He stared at me for a second, as if he expected me to speak. I didn't have any words to say.

"A quite one ay? She normally prefers the more talkative type, but I suppose everyone makes exceptions now and then. She would meet with you Blake Johnson, your blood oath must be completed this night."

What the fuck was this guy on about?

"Still not speaking? Understandable I suppose, I do know how much effort it takes to deny the devil inside after all. I will commend you on that, a Housecarl in the service of Gillia Malliath should be better than his base desires. It's what makes you more than a simple demon."

A Devil's Pact (Celestial #1.1, Complete)Where stories live. Discover now