The Art of Seduction

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We went over the usual topics one covered when meeting for the first time, it was almost the exact same conversation I had had with Fay several hours earlier. I glanced at my watch again, 11:54. We had been chatting for nearly ten minutes by this point and it was all going very well if I did say so. Smiles were had by all and she seemed to be a genuine enough girl, nothing particular stand out about her personality but she was by no means boring. She was, in a word, comfortable. I could do with comfortable tonight.

I had just finished telling her a story of one of my many adventures, this one involving a trip on my motorbike I had allegedly taken last year all the way up to Scotland. It was a complete lie, I had never been to Scotland in my life, still, the girl was fascinated by the romantic lochs and highlands of the country, so it was something that peaked her interest and made her all the more interest in me, the mysterious boy who had fallen past her window and apparently travelled up and down the country on his motorbike.

It wasn't a complete lie, I suppose, I did actually have a motorbike. I had only got my license a few months ago though, so I really couldn't have taken the trip up to Scotland last summer as I claimed.

There was a change in the music coming from the massive stage in the centre of the room. Suddenly I felt Katie's soft fingers enclose my wrist. "Oh my god!" she screamed excitedly, "I love this song! Let's go dance."

I was about to accept and follow the subtle sway of Katie's hips when I heard a voice in my ear, the person's breath cool and wispy against the sensitive skin. I knew it was a female from the tone as she spoke. It was somewhere between a whisper and a growl, and it immediately demanded my attention.

"You've been a naughty boy, Blake Johnson."

Had I? I turned my eyes towards the new girl beside me and yes; I decided that for her, I had been. Even if by every standard in the world Katie was physically attractive, she really wasn't anything on the girl now beside me.

"You go on ahead Katie, I'll get us some more drinks and meet you in a sec, how's that sound?"

Already fairly drunk and more than hyped to dance with her friends, with or without me there, she quickly agreed under the promise I wouldn't be long at all. I should have felt guilty discarding her like that the second a better option presented itself.

I didn't however.

Turning back to the new girl I was able to fully take her in. Her skin tight dress was a devilish crimson much like the tips of her silky black hair, several shades darker than even Katie's had been. Her eyes were a strange shade of blue that looked almost purple under the lights of the club. She stood exactly level with me, although I noticed the three-inch heels at the bottom of her incredibly shaped legs. She took the cocktail stick from her colourful drink and placed the fruit on the end of it in her mouth whole, and then made a show of slowing removing the small stick of wood from her moist, blood red lips.

Damn this girl was something else.

"Really? That doesn't sound like me." I asked, giving her a confident half smirk I had developed and refined over the years. It was clear on my face I was willing to play her games.

I was granted an excellent, and certainly intentional, view of her generous bust as she leaned forward to once again to whisper in my ear. "Oh, but I know you've been naughty, Blake Johnson. Come with me and I'll show you exactly how and we can work out a suitable - she nipped my earlobe between her teeth - punishment."

Then she turned and walked away from me, headed towards the less populated and darker back area of the club. I followed without hesitation. She turned to catch my eye, as if I wouldn't have followed such a show, and then entered into a room marked 'staff only'. I knew it to be one of the coat storage rooms, and followed after only a second to ensue we weren't noticed.

She was on me the instant the door closed.

Crimson lips smashed against mine and a furious battle broke out between our tongues. I gave her firm ass a squeeze with my rough palms as I felt her hands work my shirt up and over my body. It had taken me years of life on the streets; plenty of sports and using whatever else was available to train my body to the condition it was in today. I wasn't a body-builder, nor a model you'd find on the front of a magazine, but it was certainly toned enough for to see the beginnings of a six-pack, and more than enough for all but the most vain and unrealistic of girls.

I felt her tongue leave a burning trail across my neck before her voice was in her ear again. "Naughty indeed. Defying out masters wishes like that. I was lucky to catch you in time."

What? Something didn't sit right about this girl's words anymore.

"It's a shame, but we'll have to continue this another time. Any longer and we'll be late".

Late? Late for what? I glanced at my watch by chance, 11:58.

The crimson tips of the mystery girl's hair began to glow, and a strange energy filled the room. The floor lit up with a brilliant red circular symbol that enveloped the both of us in it's midst. I glanced into the seductresses face to she her eyes were glowing a deep red. When she noticed me staring she gave me a wink and licked her blood red lips.

We both left the room in a flash of light. 

A Devil's Pact (Celestial #1.1, Complete)Where stories live. Discover now