Another Night, Another Girl

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The club was just about beginning to fill. The slow trickle of partygoers was starting to resemble the steady flow it would be for the next hour or so before the club filled entirely and the latecomers were forced to once again queue into the night outside.

It wasn't the best club I had ever been to in his life, but it certainly wasn't bad by any means. The dance floor was a wide open space that would surely soon be filled with the swaying bodies and pumping fists of drunken men and women all having the time of their lives. The lighting was also of good quality, the strobes were bright and powerful enough to ensure that without the strongest of beer goggles you could still tell a 2 from a 10, and yet dim enough to allow the 5's to pass as 7's for the night.

The DJ wasn't the best act in the world, then again dance music wasn't something I listened too outside the clubs and bars. No, I much prefer a slick guitar riff and the pulsing purity of a good set of drums, as opposed to the electronic thuds that now assaulted my ears. Still, it made the people dance and that wasn't usually a bad thing.

I knew I looked a bit out of sorts, the one man alone at the bar in his leather jacket, smirking softly at any pretty girl that caught my eye, but my lack of company was an issue I intended to resolve soon enough, so for now I was quite happy observing the doors from the bar with my bottle of cider.

Just as I knew it would the club filled quickly, and even before midnight the doors had been closed and only arrived in small groups as they slowly trickled in and out of the club again. The main DJ had started up his set, and whilst I personally found the remixes to be nothing more than disturbing, the crowd was drinking him in. The mass of colours of the dance floor cheered and whopped as one song led into another and so the night was well and truly alive and in full swing.

I glanced down at my watch, 11:41. Ha! I thought, just imagining the incredulous look on Alexander's face as he realised I wouldn't be taking part in his satanic 'blood oath' fantasy tonight. I wonder anyone had realised I had left yet. It was certainly possible, I did forget to lock my door in my rush... but then again I didn't really have anything of value, so I wasn't worried about anyone getting in there. It was beginning to get hot in my jacket, and so I had deposited it in the coatroom a few minutes ago and was on my way back to the bar when I spotted her.

It was the raven-haired girl from the floor below. She was just as pretty as I remembered her to be from our brief meeting as I flew past her window and escaped into the town. She was standing at the bar, and the view from behind was more than enough to convince me to try my luck with her tonight. The light blue dress she had on was especially form fitting.

I made my way through the crowd at the bar. Luckily for me she was with a group of maybe three other girls and they had made their base at the bar, so I could move through the crowd at a leisurely pace. I made sure to keep myself in her eyesight in the hopes she would recognise me, it was always easier if the girl initiated conversation.

I managed to manoeuvre myself into a possession next to her at the bar and also attract the attention of one of the bar staff, which in itself was an achievement. "Two tequila please?" I said to the man behind the bar, who must have been absolutely sweltering in his tailored shirt and waistcoat. I knew she had seen me, I could see the cogs in her mind trying to work out if she knew me or not. Now I just had to see if luck was on my side tonight.

It was.

"I'm sorry" came a loud voice from the side of the raven-haired beauty. She was having to raise her voice over the sounds of the club. I turned to face her and smiled, inviting her to continue. "This is going to sound quite strange, but did you fall past my window earlier?"

I gave her a wide grin and laughed just loud enough to be heard over the thump of the DJ's music. "That does sound quite strange. You wouldn't happen to be room eight in Anselm house would you?" Obviously, I already knew she was.

She giggled and gave a small cheer as I mentioned her dorm, there was apparently some competition between the clusters, and so it was expected to be loyal to your dorm mates, at least in the presence of others from different clusters. "That's me. You really feel past my window? I thought I was seeing things." She admitted, taking a long slurp of her colourful drink through her straw.

"Then yes, I'm your guy." I said, turning back to my two tequila shots at the bar and offering one to the young woman beside me, which she happily took. I held the drink to her and she repeated the gesture. We both gulped down the burning liquid and let out a breath as we slammed the glasses back on the bar.

"Blake" I said, offering her my hand. She took it and gave a gentle but enthusiastic shake. "Katie" she replied, smiling. She tucked a stray strange of silky raven hair behind her ear. Yes, tonight was looking good.

"Another?" I asked.

"... Sure, why not." She replied. 

A Devil's Pact (Celestial #1.1, Complete)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora