The Freshers Fair

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It had been an enjoyable, if almost exhaustingly long, afternoon. We had made it to the main hall sometime around one, by which point a fair number of students had already come and gone if the three page long sign-up sheet for most of the more popular clubs was any indication. I had decided to get involved in some of the sports on offer during my time at university, for I had always liked sports and it was the easiest way I knew of to keep in shape, much better than struggling at the gym for several hours a day.

I had signed up to trial for the football, rugby and athletics teams, although I knew I would only have time for two of them at the most. I had also signed up for the paintball club, which promised to be a great time, organised monthly paintball trips with 20+ people? I was looking forward to those almost as much as the football.

After browsing the numerous other clubs on offer, the five of us had decided to head to the sports centre, where the university and some of the clubs had demonstrations or small activities the freshers could take part in. The football club had held a competition to kick a ball through a wall with several holes cut out of it. The names of those who had the longest continuous streak were written and recorded on a board. The top scorer had been 'Andy' who had successfully shot through four holes in a row before missing.

The five of us had all had a fair go at that activity; Ryan and Joe, who weren't the most athletically inclined individuals hadn't succeeded in scoring a single time. Marcus, who had also signed up for the team earlier faired much better, scoring three in a row before missing his fourth. Will had only managed the one before skying his second shot well over the board.

When it came my turn to step up, I wasn't expecting that much. I was mainly a winger; precision passing wasn't the most important aspect of my game. However, it seemed today was my lucky day! Every one of my shots was struck with a sweet precision, flying straight through the holes and into the back of the net behind. Every shot flew as true as any arrow I had ever seen fired; it was truly remarkable, as was my score. Five, six, seven, eight, I carried on going and going, and by now I was already entering the mid teens. It was clear to everyone, including myself, that my score simply wouldn't be beaten. I doubted the football team had ever seen such a high score; I had managed to impress even myself with my skills. When it came to the sixteenth shot I simply smashed it into the board, not caring or aiming for any of the holes.

You can imagine my surprise as it smashed straight through the flimsy wooded board, cracking it in half and sending splinters flying from the tear.

A quick apology later, the five of us had left as soon as possible. Teams and clubs were very defensive of their equipment and funding, especially to 'unaffiliated' or members of other teams. Still, they had all requested that I come to the trials next week.

After the sports centre we made out way off campus and into the town centre to get some dinner. It was at least four o'clock by the time we decided upon the local Nando's and sat down to eat out chicken with a comfortable banter passing between the five of us. All too soon it was over and we decided to call it a day, go home and then go back out again to the clubs later that night. That wasn't ideal for me, because I knew the moment I returned Alex would be swarming over me again, intent on getting me to this 'secret devil meeting at midnight' fantasy he had been preaching about.

Still, I had a plan.

Coincidentally two of the girls of our cluster, Chloe and Fay, had also decided to return at the same time as us. We joined the two girls, who were each laded with several bags from various establishments and shops, mainly cloths retailers, on the stairway leading up to our clusters door. Marcus swiped his key fob against the panel on the electric door, and the lock clicked open to allow us entry into the small corridor that held the entrance to our temporary homes.

I had taken several of the heavier looking bags from Fay as we had climbed the stairs to our cluster. Fay was a sports student and had the body to match, lithe with long, powerful but feminine legs and the tight leggings she wore left little else about her shapely lower body to the imagination either. Her soft brown hair was hung in a scrappy ponytail and her shining hazel eyes held hints of mischief and mirth in them. She was best described, in my mind at least, as a feminine tomboy.

We chatted politely as I followed her to her room at he far end of the corridor. We discussed the usual topics, if she had signed up for any clubs (she had signed up for two, badminton and ladies hockey), how she was enjoying the city and it's sights, if she was looking forward to classes. It was the easy; get to know you stuff, slightly boring in all honesty but necessary foundations in almost all situations.

I deposited the bags down on her bed and left with a thank you.

In the common area Chloe and the others had started chatting, basically about the same things I had just been talking to Fay about. With an internal cheer I saw that Alex had also been roped into the conversation, he had obviously emerged from his room looking for me, not realising I had already passed with Fay.

The jangling of my keys gave me away as I turned them in the lock on my door alerted him to my presence however, and I saw him rise from his seat at the small table and head towards me. Wow, he really was beginning to act like one fucking crazy stalker. Luckily, I managed to open my door and slip inside before he could fully close the distance.

Still, I knew it wouldn't be long before he came knocking with some excuse or another. I slipped my jacket back on, grabbed my bottle of tequila and looked at my salvation, at least for the night, from my bat shit crazy roommate.

I opened the window and climbed out, dropping from the first floor and landing in a roll to absorb the impact better. I made a mental note to visit room eight on the ground floor, the raven-haired girl I had just seen and winked at as I fell was certainly someone I could become well acquainted with... at least for the night.

With a burning swig of my tequila, I set of towards the nearest bar; I had to pass the remaining few hours before the clubs opened after all. 

A Devil's Pact (Celestial #1.1, Complete)Where stories live. Discover now