Signed in Blood

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Right now I didn't care if they had come from the other side of the universe, whoever these people were, they had just saved my life and for that I was thankful. I didn't have time to examine them as the moved into the light however, my body moved on instinct next to the now still body of Stacy. My jeans soaked up the blood that was spilling from her body as I knelt beside her. Immediately I ripped my shirt off and scrunched it into a ball before pressing it to the bleed in an attempt to stem the flow. I knew it wouldn't be enough. I couldn't use my powers to heal her either; It was simply not a feature of my powers, or at least not one I was capable of using. 

I turned to the three newcomers, one of whom I could feel disturbing the air next to me. I turned to face them, only to come face to face with an absolute beauty of a girl, which long crimson red hair, near enough the colour of the blood currently staining my hands and piercing green eyes that were calm even in this situation. In any other setting she'd be a goddess with her beauty.

"Please" I begged, "call an ambulance." I could feel the salty taste of a solitary tear roll down my cheek.

"They won't make it in time. No one will." She sounded so sure that I almost gave up. I dared not look at Stacy's face, lest I see the truth in the crimson haired girls words.

"W-What?" I stuttered in a most unlike me way. "N-No, you have to help her. Please, call an ambulance!" I was screaming at the girl now even as I felt the pulsing blood begin to relax, no longer being pushed out the hole by a heartbeat. I still dared not look to check if there was life in the girl's eyes.

"It is too late," repeated the crimson haired girl. How could she be so calm! A girl was dying right before her eyes and she was acting as if they had merely missed a train or something.

"Please." I begged again, even as I felt another tear roll down my cheek. The skin beneath my exposed palm was beginning to go cold. "I'll do anything if you just save her. You-You're like me! I saw you! You have powers too, you can save her! Please, she never wanted any of this. She wanted to be a doctor, to help people! Please, help her."

The crimson haired girl seemed shocked at the ferocity with which I begged. She turned to look at the others who had come with her, who I could feel standing a few yards over my other shoulder.

"I can save her... but only for a thing of equal worth. My powers come at a price." She said, almost sadly. I knew right away what she was asking for, and I knew almost as quickly that she could have it.

"Take the lives of the scum who attacked us. Three for one seems more than fair"

She sighed. "I cannot, a pact with a devil must be entered willingly".

I would take the time to process the fact she said 'devil' at a later date. Right now, all I was concerned about is that she had the power to save the dying girl beneath my hands. I admitted defeat, which wasn't too difficult considering the stakes.

"Fine, take whatever price you would of me, my life included. Just... please... she had hopes and dreams. She only wanted to help people, I haven't even known her a day, but I know she is a good person. Take my life if you must but please, just save hers."

The crimson haired goddess looked directly into my eyes, as if she were peering into my mind and soul itself. There was a flash of light and a spurt of blood, and then it all went dark. 

A Devil's Pact (Celestial #1.1, Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora