for ivory

294 5 0

in which-

she tries to avoid her annoying brother from waking her up, by throwing plates. she sneaks out and he finds her, but then jack helps.


i slip on my leggings and put my phone in my hoodie and put my hoodie up. i quietly open the my bedroom door, since i think logan is asleep. 

"ivory!" a deep taunting voice, that, sadly i recognize shouts from the end of the hall. i turn around and see logan holding a plate. 

all of a sudden he starts running toward me, so i start running towards the house door. i make it up the street, before i trip and land on my butt.

i groan and logan starts to laugh. i use this as a plan to escape as i see some boys running after logan thinking that they're going to help. i quickly get up and start running. 

crap, why'd i leave my skateboard!? i turn around to see logan vlogging and chasing me and a curly hair boy running a little faster than him coming towards me. i curse under my breath, but it comes out as a scream.

i turn around again and logan is right on my trail and i freak out and trip. i look up to see logan and some curly headed boy in front of me. 

"logan.. please don--" i got cut off by the boy. "i'm jack, and if you run fast enough to that SUV, i'll invite you over, and logan won't come." the bo-- jack said. i looked at him and logan.

"sure." i said super fast and ran to the car. logan standing there, confused of what happened. turned out we circled around and went to eggslut.

today was the best day ever.



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