Hydra, Vruydon: Chapter 22

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"You did really well for the stealth test yesterday."
Renjun hummed out in acknowledgment as he continued to hang off of the woven rope net at the top of the obstacle course. It was a waste of time for one of their only free blocks to train but he wasn't paying mind to it. After the aptitude test he had grown a weird liking for the obstacle course on the second floor and decided he would spend as much time as possible up there. Until Johnny or Mark called him down. Plus, he had already trained a bit on the floor below after the tests.
"It was an office setting for me so a ton of the tools needed to get by were at hand." He explained nonchalantly, bending backward to grab a hold of the rope behind him. "And the net was still here for use so it was an added bonus."
"That's insane though," Jeno pressed on, getting familiar with a small wooden blade. "You were resourceful and observing when you were up. All I could do was take down two guards at the entrance of the mansion garden and than I was toast." The white haired boy stared directly at Renjun's bruised up knuckles. "And not only did you ace the stealth test, you were also staying behind to work on your sparring."
"I just don't want to go up there again and fail miserably. "The brunette scoffed. He unlatched his legs from their perch and let himself hang onto the rope as long as possible.
Jeno pressed his lips into a thin line. It would be in Renjun's best interest to do so if his mentor was one of those high up soldiers, like Jaehyun and Yuta. But the athlete was doubting that idea from the results of the sparring test.
He glanced down at Vinzent training vigorously with a double sided sword. It seemed ridiculous to be doing things like that when a gun would be more proficient. Yet the way the red headed boy was swinging around the weapon made Jeno shiver. There were times where he hoped to never face that kid ever again. Because he knew that Vinzent would want revenge for being the top and beating him.
"I get what you mean." He spoke up, watching his friend attempt to pull the rest of his body back up to the net.
The brunette groaned in defeat before dropping into the pile of cushioning. "I highly disagree with what you just said." His head popped out from the cushions, hair messy against his forehead. "You are in one of the four private rooms."
"And you got to experience that."
"Don't say that so loud." Renjun flushed at Jeno's quick answer, pulling himself out from the pit.
The taller boy couldn't help but smirk a bit at the older teen's behaviour. Standing up from the bench, he offered a hand to his friend. "You know you're way more approachable when you aren't being super cold and mean."
"It's my disposition to be super cold and mean so suck it up." Renjun snapped but still taking Jeno's help without a second thought.
He smiled. "I remember in Goldenleaf whenever I tried to say hi to you and smile, you'd act like I didn't even exist." There was a hint of sadness behind his voice. "I used to think it was because you didn't like me."
"I didn't." The brunette stated harshly. However his tone softened instantly after and he lifted his hand up, as if he wanted to do something. He was hesitant in his actions. "I thought you were part of the oddity of Goldenleaf. I thought you were part of the problem."
Jeno wasn't hesitant at all as he took Renjun's hand in his. "But now you know I'm not. Isn't that amazing?"
No one else was up on the second level and the obstacle course was extremely void of any life beside the two of them. It felt as if they were back in the forest where there was truly no other sign of a human being than them and the shack they lived in. They had privacy in these sparing moments, and both of them were intending on using it. As they stood there silently, staring at their hands held together. Both were overcome with pensive emotions.
"Jeno..." Renjun glanced up at the white haired boy's pink eyes. "When we get paired up with our mentors... what's going to happen?" His voice cracked and for the first time in a long time, he let his guard down completely. "I don't want you to be alone or with those other trainees. I don't want to be alone or with those other trainees." He tightened the grip on Jeno's hand. His eyebrows furrowed and his frown deepened. "You're the only person I can trust."
The younger teen felt his heart thrum against his chest. He pulled Renjun's hand to his chest and smiled comfortingly. "I won't change. You have my word, I will keep on being the Jeno you know until we complete this. Than I will change as much as you want."
Flushing, the brunette opened his mouth to respond, however the doors slammed open.
    Jeno stared into Renjun's blue eyes and saw a pool of dread, agony and loss swirling around. He could see something he never had before.

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