Hydra, Vruydon: Chapter 33

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Lights were blaring. People were yelling. Gunshots were being fired. The hallways were nothing but long passages that lead to no where as they moved on and on. Turning corners, running straight ahead. Nothing in front lead to light, there was only darkness at the end. Darkness as far as the eye could see. Nothing more, nothing less. Windows were fogged up, screens were blurred. Cameras were malfunctioning in the corners of the walls. All the beams that were structured above were nothing but darkness. The shadows were arms trying to grasp him. Grasp at his legs. But this wasn't the simulation, not anymore. That happened ages ago.
Renjun sprinted forward, letting the people behind him tire out. He sped around a corner as he went through the buildings map in his mind. The floors were organized enough for him to reach the top in no time. As long as he was able to make a beeline for the stairs nothing would be much of a threat. The other areas of the company could do well with losing some extra pursuers, however it does run the risk of gaining more.
His eyes caught the elevator door and he considered for a split second in using it. Sure they could shut it down, but thats what the escape hatch at the ceiling was for. And he was more than able to climb up those cable cords. At least, quick enough to go a bigger head start while they're distracted.
'Distraction.' The word nearly appeared in bold as he ducked from a whizzing bullet. That's what he needed. He needed to hide somewhere and alert of his presence in a different area. That would confuse the guards quickly enough. He leaped up in the air and caught a beam latched to the ceiling. With swift motions he swung himself up in the maze.
Still running through the map, the red head fished out a circular object in his pocket. Orange eyes flickering downwards, he saw one of the agents pressing the elevator button. They obviously thought he was going for the stairs.
A sly smirk grew on his face, exposing his snaggletooth. 'Those bastards have no idea how I work.'
Pressing the button on the object, he threw it into the tangle of beams in front of him. The force was enough to project it far enough to keep them busy. And as he predicted, the sound of it landing made them all yell out and run over.
It was a cry almost in unison that made Renjun nearly laugh in amusement. However the one guard seemed to stay poised near the elevator. A clever move in all honesty. But perhaps not the best one. If he wanted to save them per say.
The elevator button flashed off.
The doors were cracking open. The red haired teen hung onto the platform, planking on the beam across in anticipation.
A loud beeping sound came from the other side of the hallway and screams were starting to rip through. Startled, the agent who was ready to get in immediately ran after them to check out the situation. Instantaneously, Renjun swung in and pressed the button. The elevator started to move upward.
"You idiots."
There was a large crack coming from down below. The sudden impact rocking the elevator slightly, as the teen stood completely still. He stared directly at the camera, blinking orange itself, and he was tempted to let Hydra take control of it again. Just so he could smile kindly at the people, who were watching in horror as the bomb killed a good chunk of their guards.
It wasn't exactly his fault. He watched the screen display the number of floors. To be frank, it was the guards fault for even being so naive and running after the bomb. 'You'd think they'd be a bit more cautious when dealing with me.' He snickered. 'Of course they only thought I was just some weak, maniac scientist.'
The number five was shown on the screen next. Renjun sighed, scratching his ruffled hair, the red strands momentarily blocking his vision. 'Not only that, the kid brother of Sicheng. You'd think that'd be a good wake up call.'
But in the end, the teen felt nothing around the situation. They're dead. He's alive. Who's the real winner here?
Still, there were voices screaming in his head. Voices that were confused. Voices that wanted to understand everything. Voices that wanted nothing to do with this. Voices that were mourning some faceless people's death. Voices begging him to turn himself in and deal with the consequences. Voices that were crying in the depths of his mind. Voicing out wails of agony.
"Quit whining." He seethed, lifting his head up to glare in the reflection of the plaque. There, he stared intensely at a horrified brunette, with the same glowing amber eyes. "I'm getting us out of here."
'People died.' The voice echoed quietly in his head.
Lights flashed as the six transferred to seven. "Oh hush." The red haired teen sneered. "This is all in your head. You psycho."

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