Hydra, Vruydon: Chapter 23

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Sicheng was a confusing man. It had nothing to do with if he shrouded his work or if he kept certain things under certain privacy. It had nothing to do with if he perhaps held back to say some things or if he whispered low to the other employees. There was nothing in the agent's behaviour that gave things away like that. Which, in Sicheng's case was a good thing since he was supposed to be a espionage agent who could keep secrets. But it wasn't as fun for Renjun, who was used to at least getting a basic read on someones personality. The dark haired man showed nothing, on the other hand. His voice was always the same monotonous octave and the expressions on his visage were nothing less than dull. None of his movements were at all sporadic or out of place as Sicheng would continue to work robotically.
In the on day that Renjun worked for this man, he noticed how little he seemed to care for others. Sure there were times where he gave someone the benefit of the doubt and pretend to act nice, but the brunette guessed that this agent had no attachment to the people around him. And perhaps it was just the people around him that made Sicheng act this way, perhaps someone out there was able to create some sort of stimuli. But until that time would come, Renjun had to preform menial tasks for his mentor that never added up training wise.
It was a little frustrating, no doubt, as the student would ask his teacher multiple times what the curriculum would be like now. To which Sicheng would only stare in Renjun's blue eyes and ask for him to do something else.
There were some points where the runaway considered ignoring the task until he go his answer. But than he remembered the sharp pain that had punctured his back and Sicheng's figure jumping off the top floor to swing over. In the end, Renjun would have to push his feelings aside. Because the person he was working for was the same person that had almost killed him.
So he had kept his silence for the rest of the day, and with tense, frustrated movements, did what was asked of him.
By the time he had sat in the cafeteria for dinner that night, Renjun was sure that his legs would fall off. He didn't know if he could even walk back to his dorm without collapsing and staying there, stuck on the ground.
Staring down at his large plate of pasta, his stomach nearly roared with hunger. There was no time wasted in shoving the food down his throat.
Whilst doing so he saw the door open and with a muffled yell, called out to the white haired figure walking through.
Despite the loud noise of the cafeteria, Jeno miraculously found his friend in the midst of the crowds. He made no hesitation to snatch some kind of dinner and speed walk over to the table Renjun was sitting at. The brunette could also see the taller figure of Jeno's mentor as Jaehyun went about his own way to collect dinner.
"Did that bastard hurt you at all?" Renjun asked quickly before the younger teen could even speak. "Cause if he did I will stab him with the damn fork in my hands right now."
"No no! Don't say things like that." Jeno had his mouth in what was in between a frown and a smile. "Jaehyun was anything but cruel to me. In fact he was very kind in giving me a tour around the company building again." He started to poke at the calamari on his plate. "He even pointed out some cool tidbits about the security just in case I was ever assigned on guard duty."
Renjun's eyes narrowed, he was clearly skeptical about the agent despite what Jeno had just said. And no one could blame him when he did have his life on the line due to the guy. "You know you're extremely lucky to be having someone actually show you how to do things."
"What do you mean?"
"I had to do intern work." The brunette stated out plainly as he stabbed his fork into the pasta. "Literally all day. No break. No lunch. No thank you's. Just walking around the office doing boring tasks. Like printing papers, photocopying things, getting extra office supplies, delivering reports or whatever to other people, getting coffee, faxing."
"Sounds ok...." Jeno started but the reassuring tint in his voice died off. "But wow no breaks or anything?"
Renjun shook his head violently. "Nope.... Is it possible to switch mentors?"
"Wait don't do that." The white haired boy's eyes widened and his arm twitched, like he was going to stop the smaller teens movements.
"Why? He's obviously being a d-"
"Still." Jeno insisted. "This guy is an espionage agent, which means." He raised his eyebrows up in a knowing manner and Renjun got the concept right away.
Of course espionage training meant that they could infiltrate Hydra way better than originally planned. They could probably get a way better handle of the building and find anything on Goldenleaf. Whether it be an honourable mention or a footnote, hell if they were lucky enough maybe a whole entire file. Or even better, several files on their town- enough files to fill up a whole cabinet. That would be more than enough, even the little mention could give them a head start. Than, as soon as all of that was said and done, they could live in the city at peace with themselves. Fail whatever they needed to so they could get kicked out, or better yet go back to the forest and live a life there. Where they could go to Goldenleaf for supplies but in the end just stay in their own little abode. Just him and Jeno.
Pulling out the napkin from his tray, Renjun took out a pen and started to jot down his words instead.
"Do you still remember everything that Jaehyun had told you?"
Sliding it to Jeno, the athlete was quick to read the words and took the pen to write his answer back.
"There are usually cameras that operate right in front of the doors of the stairs and a camera that continues to work in the elevator all the time. There seems to be camera's in the hallways as well. Most rooms have camera's but only in the corners of the room because they are able to cover 'more'. The archive is the only place that doesn't have camera's in the room but it's locked with a passcode or something. It looked old. That's all I remember."
"Perfect." Renjun wasn't even done reading the napkin before he came up with a plan in his mind. "This plan will be based purely on luck but if the main goal isn't reached at least I'll have a better understanding of the camera system. I'm sure if I can get a hold of one of the camera's than I can find a way to disable them. But besides that, the main goal is to get into the archives, if there is anything about Goldenleaf, it'll be there. The luck part is solely based on if anyone will go there. I'm sure though with so many people in this cafeteria right now that work goes past curfew. Which means at some point someone will end up going to the archive."
Jeno gulped and nervously stared at the brunette. "Alone?"
Renjun nodded, ripping up the napkin and putting the pieces in his cup of water- where the last few drops of liquid destroyed the rest of the messages. He noticed the fear in the white haired boys eyes and was reminded of the way he felt earlier this morning.
The athlete appeared lost and afraid. Jeno obviously had no intention of losing Renjun to some plan. It made the brunettes heart skip and beat.
Taking the younger teens hand in his, Renjun squeezed it tightly. "Don't worry No Jams." He smiled. "When you wake up you'll know I've come back. Safe and sound."
There was a tint of pink in the taller boys face and he reciprocated the action. "You better." Jeno's voice was a low whisper. "I don't want to.... to be alone."
But that's not what Jeno wanted to say.

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