Hydra, Vruydon: Chapter 31

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Everything was dark. An endless void with nothing to become at the moment nor the moments after. Just a lifeless space with the only exception being that of Renjun. He was the only figure floating in the pocket dimension that was his mind, an empty void of his mind. There was no way that this was the brunette's test, no way this was what was accessed in his mind. He wasn't complaining about it having a lack of action and no sense of threat at all, in fact he was enjoying it thoroughly. This was much better than actually moving around whilst being awake. Better to float around and amuse himself then become active by running away from opponents or some large beast. It was nicer to stay idle in the space instead of solving a massive puzzle that could save billions. But it didn't matter how many times he repeated this to himself, Renjun was still jittery and unnerved.
It wasn't entirely based on how the image of the room flashed back into his memory. With the single chair in the middle accompanied by a cart of syringes. Or how eerily similar it was to the dreams he had when he had first went on the journey to Vruydon. Not even the fact that before he went into the simulation, Sicheng showed signs of grave concern and worry- despite how encouraging he had been before pricking the needle against Renjun's skin. He knew his mind better than anyone else, he knew there would be some underlying threat behind this. It could be anything from going through unrealistic situations conjured up with his paranoia to just sitting there and freaking out over all the possibilities.
One thing was for sure, he didn't have any intention to fail these tests. There was no care about Sicheng's words of reassurance that he would no doubt pass with flying colours. It was all about the eyes that were watching him as Doyoung promised. The people watching his every move, deciding if it was suspicious or not. Deciding if they should take him out of the training program for other purposes besides just becoming an agent right away. Perhaps with this mind intruding test, they would find out his true identity. They would understand that he wasn't from Vruydon or any other neighbouring cities, but the exact town they were conducting experiments on. Once they knew they would for sure send him back, with or without Jeno. It would've all depended on if his mind decided to pit all of this against him. Which could no doubt happen.
But he hoped with all his heart that would not happen. As Renjun let his body carry on through the darkness, he feared the inevitable decision Hydra could make in sending him back. Regardless of his lack of knowledge in the technology or science department, he had a hunch his memories would somehow be erased. Or at least be hidden in the darkest crevices of his mind where he could never reach. And that terrified him.
To just forget about it all, to just never be able to recall any detail of this amazing city. Although foreign at first, it grew familiar and Renjun was learning to trust the people inhabiting it. Not everyone was against him, he learned that when he found employees and trainees alike struggling just like him. No one was able to focus on ever making his life worse, everyone had their own challenges to face. It was a revelation that was already obvious before, but it just came into a much stronger light now. With everyone he knew, from Sicheng to Kailani to even Vinzent. They all had lives completely different from his own, personalities completely different from his own. It made him curious. It made him wonder.
And just like his mission to find answers, he was attached to this childlike curiosity. However this little 'mission' was that of a much more innocent nature. Which was the reason why he treasured it a bit more even by a little millimetre. Happy memories came from them. Memories he'd rather not forget.
Renjun would be devastated if it all got taken away. He'd never want to trade away the experience for anything. Maybe not even the answers to his questions. The same exact questions that used to eat him up inside. He'd much rather stay by Jeno's side and go through much more challenges- gaining more friendships along they way. That sounded much more appealing.
    As his mind wandered about into all the funny things that occurred in his time at Hydra, he found that his surroundings were starting to gain form. Although not extremely fast, they still were making their presence known. The dark tones were lightening into grey hues as shadows and lights were highlighting the dimensions of his final exam. Null gravity had disappeared at an equally slow pace, setting the student down on the solid ground gently. It was becoming a room, an empty room. Similar to the one he was in while taking the test under the serum's control. The only exception was the space where the chair and cart would be. Instead there were only stains. Red stains. And a foul stench.
    It all came together rather quickly. This was it. This was his final exam. His nightmare.
    Triangular shapes started to form out of thin air, folding and expanding at speeds unimaginable to man. Creating a figure, a familiar, taller figure. With compact muscles. Similar uniform. Slicked back white hair. And a calming smile that reached up to his eyes.
    "Jeno....?" Renjun couldn't help but speak out loud, he had no idea if it was projecting out of his real body or not. But in the moment he was solely focused on the the focal point of his affections. "Can we.... is the simulation able to... to connect to others....." The brunette was quick to put that theory in the trash. If this was the real Jeno, he would know. He would see an equally confused face staring right back at him.
    This one was a fake, a figment of his imagination. But no matter. Hand reaching out slightly, the teen was enamoured and craved to hug the athlete as a final good luck to the hellish experience he would face. Maybe this was the little encouragement segment before it all started. Maybe thats what the teachers wanted to do, inspire the best results from their students. Obviously that was the case multiple times. And now wouldn't be any different.
    "Renjun.." The copy's voice sent shivers down the students back. "Renjun, I'm here. Everything is ok. How about we just take a break for a bit? Recollect your thoughts. We can work this through." He stepped forward to the brunette.
    There was a hint of hesitation in Renjun's movements as he warily glanced at the hand outstretched to him. This could easily turn ugly if that's what the test wanted. But he also knew that, as Johnny described, his mind. The smaller teen never viewed Jeno was the fighting type, never viewed him as someone cruel. Just someone who could quietly understand and report things to his government officials. He shook his head. 'Ok that was before.... not now.... now he's like large puppy dog....' His face started to flush. 'Ok maybe now's not the time to think about that.'
    Instead, Renjun moved forward himself and attempt a quick end to the test. It was a reach, but maybe his only challenge was to trust others easier. And so he reached before him to grab the hand.
    A flash of orange invaded his vision. There was a dark laugh echoing around him. Stumbling backward, the brunette hissed and rubbed his eyes. Vision becoming blurry he could only notice two large hazy hands appear out of the shadows. Clawed and demonic, they took hold of Jeno's body.
    The white haired boy's visage instantly shifted into an expression of terror and disbelief. Eyes wide and brimmed with tears of pain, the athlete's mouth was open wide as if to scream. But there was no sound.
    With another cackle, the room's walls pushed farther back. Farther and farther and farther. With them, the hands started to drag Jeno away. Farther and farther and farther. Renjun watched, frozen and shocked to the bone, watching his companion be pulled away from him. By the devil.
"Long time no see... Renjunnie~~~" The voice echoed once again, becoming louder the more it bounced off the walls of the expanding room. The blood stain was still present. "I haven't been able to talk to you since your days on the road. Heading to Vruydon. How was it? Was it fun? Did you have a great time?" He knew that voice. That voice of the red haired menace with bright orange eyes.
'How the hell is this thing in my test?' Renjun thought furiously.
"Honestly, I don't care that much for your answer. I'm here for a reason. Welcome to your final exams. Your personal hell."
An office setting started to form, holding the same shape of the building chase, the floor he worked on. Everything was similar in some way. As his surroundings started to fold out of walls and floors like origami and solidifying like ice. The world that was bleak was gaining life. His exams were colouring itself into existence from his memories. This was his finals. This was his challenge.
"Take as long as you want with everything." The voice reassured him. He could almost hear the sickening grin form on the devil's face. "Just know that Jeno is waiting. And when you get to him, he may not be the exact same person you knew. Perhaps with some new scars on his face."
Despite it only being a figment of imagination, Renjun could still feel his anger flaring up in his chest. "You motherfu-"
"Watch your mouth. You have no idea who you're talking to."
'But I'll find out.' The brunette's eyes started to flicker around, taking in his surroundings. There were camera's at every crevice and corner of the floor, maybe even more as paintings unnervingly trained there eyes on his form. People were wandering around doing their work. Some had knives packed into their pockets, others had guns settling in holsters. Doors were everywhere, plenty of places to hide. It would be useful if they weren't placed right out in the open where he would be caught if he tried to go in; or if he tried to switch clothes to blend in more.
    Before he could deduce anymore of the floor he was on, an unsuspecting employee started to make their way towards him. Pushing a cart along with them. Renjun lifted his head up to check if there were beams on the roof and in seeing none of the such he cursed. However there was a cupboard under the counter of the supposed kitchen he was placed in. With rapid movements he swung open the largest one and shoved his body inside. He hissed as something sharp prodded against his back, nonetheless staying in place.
    It wasn't long until the returning darkness was disturbed by light. Without a second thought, Renjun twisted to grab the item behind him and precisely threw it at the camera closest to him. Destroying the device instantaneously, the brunette saw his chance and took hold of the hem of the employees shirt. He pulled roughly downward and with a sickening crack rendered the person unconscious. Crawling out slightly, the brunette didn't dare look at the busted face and instead focused on changing his clothes whilst crouched. In a bit of a rush, he sloppily shoved the body in the cupboard and closed it.
    'That was disgusting.' His mind was buzzing with thoughts similar to those as he forced himself to shrug it off. Now wasn't the time to grief over some figment of his imagination, he had to save Jeno. Which was rather ironic to think about. Nevertheless he took more time to study the camera, that was becoming close to a copy of his tampered ones. It looked like his test did in fact give him some advantages. However he knew not all of them would be like that, it would be too easy.
So with a deep breath, he continued into the actual offices. Keeping his head down, he observed the glowing light beside each camera. At the moment, all of them were of the same colour as the one before, orange and tampered with. He moved on. Nodding when people called the name on his tag he knew he would have to change uniforms at one point before getting caught. And it was coincidental that the next camera also had a green light, as it stood over the a door to a closet.
With a hope that someone was in there, he strayed away from his path and moved toward the room- and his theory was claimed true as he opened the door. The light from the outside was outlining a dark figure, holding a set of files in their hands. There was a slight sound of acknowledgement from them but he didn't let them put in another word. Instead he closed the door behind him and let the dark consume the room. His eyes adjusted quickly and he pulled out the knife from the uniform pocket. Covering a hand over their mouth, he made quick work a dragging the blade cleanly across their throat.
Again, with a retch, he poised the body upside down and let the blood flow away from the clothes. With a completely spotless uniform, Renjun pushed the cart slightly in front of the corpse and pushed papers over top it all. Once he finished making the mess of papers cover up the body, he came out, head ducked once again.
    This was his little cycle as he went through the rest of the room. Take hide. Take someone out. Switch clothes. Hide evidence. Move. Repeat. Each death racked up on his consciousness as he continued to the little cycle he had going on, which was oddly successful with no hitches. One person was strangled to death; the next was forced to chug an enormous amount of some unnamed chemical; some were stabbed; others head their head crushed; there were even the lucky few that went away silently with just the cut of the right nerve. And with each death also came a lack of people. The numbers were depleting as faceless employees started to grow narrower in population.
    He had just entered a break room as he neared the exit. The employee with a tag that would let him through the doors lay motionless under the large table, eyes rolled into the back of their head. Renjun kept quiet as he opened a drawer and carelessly threw in the cloth stained with a bit of blood. It wouldn't matter now, not when his hands were covered with gloves and he was so close to the exit. Carefully swapping clothes one last time, the brunette took a deep breath to calm his nerves before opening the door.
He nearly vomited.
In a pile right in the middle of the room, were the bodies of the employees. All bloodied and battered, some worse than others but still overlapping one another. The overpowering stench filled his nostrils and he almost lost his breakfast when he spotted the three guards from the chase. One with his face crushed, the other two with stab wounds wide open. Surrounding the pile were the remaining few. There were no screams of pain or agony coming from them. No movements of shock. Just silence. It stayed that way as they stood there, staring at their fallen coworkers displayed in such a disgusting manner.
Renjun had no idea what to do. This was simply a challenge that was nothing but a nightmare. There was no logic to help his decisions. And even if there were hints of reality tucked into the scenario, it swiftly went away as the bodies transformed. Kids were starting to occupy the scene, dead teens with large wounds in their necks and wrists. People of all ages started to replace the employees and the ones watching were now facing him.
There was no sign of nose or mouth. Just large, bulging white eyeballs, set against the holes punctured into their faces. Their bodies tall, exceedingly thin and boney with long claw like fingers that brushed against the ground.
With no sound, they stared. No movements. No blinking. No breathing. Staring. Forever and ever. Just eyes. Watching him.
Nervous he stepped back and placed his hand on the wall. There was a wet mushy surface that made contact this his palm and something prickly started to grab at the skin. Head whipping around he saw the surface infested with eyeballs similar to the ones on the figures. Except the one he made contact with had fingers growing out of it. And soon he found it to be same with his feet as he noticed that it wasn't ground he stepped on.
Suddenly. There were eyes. Balls of white. Everywhere. Dark, spindly fingers sprouting at every angle. All of them. Growing. Reaching. Grabbing.
His mouth opened and he tried to yell but something was flowing out. Something was choking him. Before he knew it he was being dragged into a wall full of hands. Grasping at his limbs. Poking and probing against his skin. A panic grew in his chest and he forgot everything as it was replaced with screams. Echoing screams and screeches of different kinds.
Renjun's breathing was becoming rapid. He felt sharp pains everywhere. His eyes were starting to close. To stop seeing.
Suddenly a gunshot rang out. And he fell to the floor.
But the brunette didn't want to get up. He wanted to keep still on the ground and never move again. Then he could get out. He just wanted to get out.
There was a grip against his arm and he opened his eyes again, hoping to be out of the simulation. It wasn't his lucky day. As he saw the face of Sicheng, screwed up in concern and worry while pulling the student back up onto his feet- to stand and watch the empty office floor. No signs of eyes or hands or figures or corpses. Just the empty office. With it the sound of yells coming from the other end.
"What are you doing? Playing dead may not get you as far as you hope." The voice of his mentor sounded much younger than it usually ways. That being said, his face was also that of a much more youthful age. His strength and attitude was still present however as the dark haired agent pulled Renjun back into the situation. "You need to get out before they get you."
".....Who?" The teen was completely out of it. Until the doors on the other side busted open. And a line of soldiers flooded in with large guns.
In a flash, Sicheng grabbed his student's wrist and dragged him along with his swift movements. They ducked behind desk, cubicles and chairs as the gunfire started to blaze across the room. In no time, the agent was able to deliver Renjun to the exit, kicking the door open from his laying position.
The brunette had finally snapped out of his haze and sped crawled through the entrance. Sliding to the wall for protection, he peered his head through the frame and saw Sicheng moving gracefully around the room. Dodging bullets and counterattacking himself, Renjun could feel his respect for the man rise by the second. And as he watched in awe, he saw the agents get caught on something for a millisecond. It was a small amount of time before he ducked again but Renjun could see the large, fresh wounds on his back. It was as if he'd been whipped.
"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" Sicheng yelled out, his voice coming out strained.
With that, the runaway scrambled up and ran down a random direction. His first priority was to escape the men, than continue with his mission. Fortunately, as he sped down the hallway, the colours started to become grey and white once more while doors started to decorate the way. It was like his body knew where to go. Large windows were starting to appear, each showing an empty room with a chair and cart full of syringes for the most part.
He carelessly sprinted past them, not looking twice if a figure was in there. If he didn't see a flash of white hair than he would carry on. And it wasn't until the very last door that he found his beloved. Strapped against a chair with a cart of syringes and scalpels with the accompanying serums. There was also another small device placed atop the cart. Something he couldn't recognize that wall. But it would soon change as he slammed the door open.
The white haired boy snapped his attention to Renjun, his mouth gagged made only muffles of relief and surprise. His body was struggling against the bondages on his wrists and ankles, blood still fresh against the wounds of his struggle. It nearly made the brunette retch at how horribly Jeno was being treated.
"Jeno, I'm here. I'm here." He made a speed dash to the athlete's side. Taking one of the scalpels, he carefully cut the rope bounds. "I hope they didn't hurt you. Or at least too much. We have to get out of here. I'm sure there are stairs somewhere. We may have to repel down. I'm sure there is a repel device somewhere around here. I have a gun that I can give to you as well. We just have to avoid the soldiers."
As soon as the last rope got cut, Renjun was whisked up in a big hug. The warmth surrounded him and he couldn't help but let out a sardonic laugh. "Jeno it's not over yet. We still have to-"
"You're hurt. You're hurt so badly." The taller boy pulled away, cupping the brunettes face with both hands.
Flinching, his blue eyes glanced down at his blood stained clothes. This time it was his own blood that was decorating his attire. He looked back up. "I... It's fine really... I had to do it to get to you."
His body froze as Jeno brushed his thumbs across Renjun's cheeks. "You don't have to get hurt.."
"No, I did. Because if I didn't I wouldn't get to you fast enough."
"You could've...."
"Excuse me?" The older teen's eyebrows furrowed. "I'm pretty sure with the circumstances I coul-"
"How many..."
Renjun's blood went ice cold. Eyes widening he nearly started to tremble. "W.. what?"
Jeno was silent for a moment before frowning, eyes glazing over with sorrow. "How many did you kill to save me?"
There were no words. No speech of how it was all worth it. Nothing was said as the brunette just stood still. Nothing was worth killing. What did he gain from it? Wounds. A questioning teen. At least a dozen dead. People who could have easily had their own lives. Their own flare that gave life colour, others colour. He killed them.
As soon as he had the epiphany. He saw the white hair boy start to disintegrate. Start to turn into flower petals and fly away. Into oblivion.
Tears were falling to the ground. A sob broke through and Renjun stumbled to sit in the chair. Covering his face with his hands, the runaway stared blankly at the floor. When he looked up, he was where he was in his last nightmare. Sitting in a throne, overlooking the genocide occurring outside of his tower. Hands and feet stuck to the seat once again. His blue eyes started into the glass, meeting up with glowing orange orbs and a glowing, sharp toothed smile.
    "You've done it Renjunnie. You've saved Jeno."
    The figure had a large, demonic, clawed hand come out and caress his face. "Is something wrong? You passed Renjunnie. You did it. You saved your boyfriend."
    "You can leave now, become a part of Hydra's ranks." Despite Renjun's rude behaviour, the demon still kept a sickening grin on their face. "I mean look what you did, you were able to brutally murder an entire floor of employees and escape a brigade of gunshots with the help of your mentor."
    "I killed innocent people."
    "You don't know that."
    "I do." The brunette spat, his lips pulling back in a snarl. "I killed innocent people who had families, who had a life."
    "My my... feelings really do block out your potential. Wasn't it only a few months ago where you chased your boyfriend with an axe, aiming to chop him to pieces."
    "That was months ago."
    A laugh echoed around Renjun's mind.
    "Of course, you've grown attached to them. How cute..."
    "Who the hell are you?!" The words spilled out of the teens mouth as he tried to lean forward and get a better look at the being.
    "A few months after..." There was an odd sound coming from the mirror as the hands started to drag the rest of the figure out. It's large, lithe body coming out of the mirror that pooled like water. "It was an unfortunate accident really. Who was I to know that my actions were looked down upon? They all smiled at me and said I was amazing. My ideas were genius. I was the at the top. I controlled it all." It stood taller than seven feet, hunched to look down at Renjun with its glowing orbs and sickening grin. There was no trace of humanity in this thing.
    "Then I caught wind of it. Someone fairly close to me warned of a horrible event to befall me. Before I knew it, I was running away."
    A large monitor grew from the floor. The screen was of coloured bars before switching to camera feeds. Multiple camera feeds. Switching as a figure ran through the hallways.
    "I had to leave. I had to escape. I had to get out."
    They smashed a door open at the end of the hall. It opened up to a large room, filled with blueprints and chemicals of all kinds. They were fiddling and scrambling to pack it all up into a single bag.
    "But as time passed, I realized it would be no use."
    The figure's hands were starting to bleed as they got cut by the broken pieces of equipment. Yells were getting louder. Renjun knew this scene from somewhere.
    "They would find me. And they would take everything away from me."
    Running to the window, they unlocked the latch, the air flowing through their red hair.
    "So I had to die."
    As soon as the soldiers came into the room, the figure jumped out, dragging their bag with them.
    "The employee who died...." Renjun stared brazenly at the demon. "You're... you're the employee who died...." His eyebrow's knitted together. "But that's not possible. You can't be the employee who died. How? How are you in my mind? I must be part of the Goldenleaf experiment right? I'm one of the subjects that had been tampered with to see how'd I do with the... that's impossible."
    "Are you sure Renjunnie?" The demon let out a sardonic, blood curdling laugh.
    The tape switched to the outside. People were screaming, there were cars below as pedestrians watched in horror. And finally looking up, the figure with red hair smiled at the camera. A helicopter was seen lowering with a type of extendable net. It made no sense. How could multiple people watch and not remember-
    "I'm glad you know about the possible brainwashing agent."
    Suddenly he saw the identity of the figure. The demon. Crying out in terror his body started to struggle to try and move backwards. To turn away.
    The clawed hand reached out to pull his head back. He stared into bright orange eyes, the dark shadows were gone. The only thing he saw was himself.
    "Revealing the truth Renjunnie~~."

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