Hydra, Vruydon: Chapter 30

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Renjun was usually a very calm, collected teen. Ever since Jeno say him at the start of the school year. With his cold visage and calm behaviour as the assembly went on without a hitch. He would walk around school and hardly talk to anyone; he would give aloof, faraway looks that came off as disdainful and prideful; he would refuse to work with nearly every person in the school and always had a solid case to get away with it. Renjun was the kid who everyone all hated or at least disliked. No one felt close to him as he would push the whole student body away and never get to know anyone. The brunette was seen as a cold boy who snobbishly was spoiled and knew exactly how to keep it that way.
However his second layer of personality was discovered after the school's infamous rebel, Donghyuck joined the class. That's when the cold mask had come off only slightly as Renjun would play along with the honey haired boys jests. Always seen bantering with one another, they were a match made in heaven as the two were both seen as horribly unapproachable in different senses. The smaller teen was showing his nature to the other students. It wasn't long until they would look down on him constantly as the kid who was extremely paranoid of everything. This was an exaggeration of course but it was the only thing that was getting at the brunette as he would question the origin of every single person he saw.
Jeno too was one of the students that were in a position to dislike Renjun's odd behaviour. And as one of the most popular students in class, found the off putting actions of his classmate aimed to him. Never once in his time at the school could the white haired boy talk to Renjun normally, in a more comfortable way as he did with others. For he was either pushed off, glared off, or sometimes even flipped off. In all honesty, despite the fact that Jeno could easily put the older boy in his place, he was wholeheartedly intimidated by Renjun. There was just something about the guy that withheld something more.
This had all changed when they met in the forest. Sure, the axe carrying barbarian that he caught a glimpse of was terrifying. But Jeno was able to catch a side of the cold teen he never saw before. It wasn't hard to tell how contrasting his actions were now than before. As the brunette let the athlete stay in his cabin, treat his wounds, and in the end let Jeno join his large plan to find something greater. Throughout their journey the taller teen was able to see the multiple emotions that made up Renjun. He was able to see how caring he was under the cold behaviour; how cleverly he made plans and how quick witted his actions were, letting him get by in the nick of time; the times where his classmate would let every guard down completely and show off a much softer side. That was his favourite part of Renjun.
Just how soft he could be as he would calmly lay beside Jeno, his nose buried in a book as he read up about Vruydon. The times that he would tease his companion about his hair colour, ruffling the locks before settling on combing his hand through the white strands. Even the nights where Jeno would hug Renjun, pleading him that maybe this time, maybe don't go out and risk his identity on the answers. And how the brunette would only look up at him with determined blue eyes, holding his hands tightly and promising that Jeno would wake up and see him. Renjun was a complex guy, someone who had multiple sides, each one hiding secrets unbeknownst to the white haired boy.
He was at a loss for words as his companion trembled in his embrace. His shirt growing wet with the brunette's tears as the smaller teen cried against his chest, wailing in grief for the death of his friend. Jeno could only run his hand through Renjun's hair to try and calm him down as best he could like the countless times before. He could only hope that the other students weren't growing curious and asking Mark or Johnny to come help. He could only hope they would act like the students back in Goldenleaf and leave it alone.
    "I should've been there for him....." Renjun whispered, his voice raspy from his sobbing. "I should've never left his side. If I did..... maybe he could be here too....." He laughed a bit, hiccuping halfway through, hugging Jeno tighter. "Could you imagine that? Donghyuck here?"
    "It would be... interesting...." The white haired boy didn't really know if his answer was believable or not as he had no previous knowledge of the honey haired boy who would skip classes and spread rumours anonymously until he was found out. All he could do was go along with what the other was saying in hopes to calm him down.
    "He would most definitely annoy Vinzent, I bet he would get away with it too....." Renjun smiled. "He'd become good friends with Mei and Zuri and drag them into lots of trouble... Kuzma would probably be me in that case and worry ten times more than me... Donghyuck would help Saige come out of her shell more like he did with me...... He would have a blast with Lucas and Yuta... there would totally be a rivalry with him and Kailani... Elisabeta would get humiliated every second she stepped out of the dorms... Jadon may not be so alone..."
There was a pause as he let out a shaky breath. "Perhaps things would go differently with him here. Perhaps I wouldn't have people watching me anymore...."
"Watching.....?" Jeno couldn't help but let his surprise come across in his voice as his muscles tensed. Was Renjun found out? Was that why he was so broken down? Did the pressure all suddenly come crashing down on him and he wasn't able to handle it anymore?
"D.... Doyoung came to me... he wanted to talk...." The brunette's voice was filled with anger. "He wanted me to go to Goldenleaf to research Jaemin and Donghyuck's supposed deaths." The white haired boy's eyes widened in shock and his heart sped up.
"No... if you go back who knows what would happen... What if it's a trap and they catch you there? What if they kill you? I don't know what I would do without-"
"It's fine Jeno." Renjun soothed, heading turning up to stare at his companions worry filled eyes. "I declined it to take the exams with you. Now I can stay by your side.. make sure nothing bad happens to you while I'm gone to find answers."
A realization hit the white haired teen and his heart dropped. The brunette most definitely didn't see him as someone completely different to his friend Donghyuck. He was in relation to the rebellious teen in some points. From being a person from Goldenleaf to being. 'I'm his second chance.' Of course. Why didn't he think of this before? He was just the second chance not to mess up. He was the next best friend that Renjun could rely on. Jeno was the second chance to not leave someone for answers. He was supposed to meet the brunette in that forest so that the smaller teen could get another chance to fix his previous mistakes. There was no growth to Jeno, he was only a stepping stone to help someone else grow.
"You.. you gave up a mission to stay..?" He wasn't sure on how to word everything after his thoughts became all cluttered like that. It was the first time he doubted everything around him. For the first time in forever, the taller boy was unsure about everything he did. He was growing paranoid about the decisions he made and how it would affect him. How was it all going to end? How was exams going to go now? Where were things going?
With his whole body rigid and his face paling, Renjun easily caught onto everything. "Yes.. I wanted to be with you..." He coughed at his own choice of words but nonetheless continued on. "I mean.. I wanted us to go through exams together... I wanted nothing to happen to either of us alone... If I were to go on with that mission.. I would've wanted you with me...."
"But now...." It was a lot to comprehend. "But now you have people watching your every move."
"Wasn't it like that for the building chase?" Renjun laughed weakly, tears still fresh on his face. "Just let me do this for you Jeno. Let's pass exams together. Let's get you to the top of the rankings. Let's figure everything out and than run away. Let's go back to that forest and live out the rest of our lives. Better yet.. let's travel the world... just the two of us..."
Face flush and mind whirring with multiple thoughts, the white haired boy didn't notice himself slowly resting against the bed.
"We'll let you win. You'll surely be assigned a high rank with your scores. You can finally accompany me and we can find the answers out together. Then we'll leave this disgusting place. We'll give the information to Goldenleaf. We'll become vagabonds." Renjun wasn't hesitant in following Jeno, sitting beside his white haired companion. However still fairly close.
"That...." The athlete felt something warm in his chest move around. "That sounds perfect. That sounds amazing....." He found himself leaning closer. "But.... you need to promise me one thing..."
The brunette's blue eyes flickered down to Jeno's lips. "What...."
There foreheads pressed lightly together and Jeno could feel Renjun's breath as he stared at the smaller teen's plump, red lips. "Please..." His hands rested against the older boy's hips. "Please be safe... be safe no matter what...."
"I promise..."
What had been an unspoken bond forming and running deep between the two had only become confirmed as they closed the distance between them. The feeling was careful and emotional as they nearly melted into each others embrace. There was no denying the feelings now, even if they were pushed down before. The kiss tasted of tears and promises. Things that were never brought up and things that were talked about all the time. Jealousies and insecurities, joys and laughs. It was full and fruitful of each other as they finally ripped off the final mask hiding themselves. Something that was long lasting. However they were both scared. Scared of how the world could go against it all. And cut it short way too soon.

"Long time no see my students!!" Johnny's voice thundered out throughout the large floor.
It was the same one they been in at the start of their training. And just like before, they were all lined up in the size of their height against the much longer wall. This time however was different. Now the trainees were in a different line up, as some gained more height than others; the floor had also been divided up into multiple rooms. Each one looked the same on the outside with the grey walls, papers posted on the large sliding doors, chairs outside along with tables for each. TV's were placed on the walls of every respective room as the screen was a simple black. It was easy to say that the rooms would most certainly not be alike in the slightest. This was also easily given away as ever mentor was poised beside a certain room.
Renjun took in a deep breath. He made eye contact with his own teacher, Sicheng. With a nod, the dark haired agent's lips quirked up in a small encouraging smile and the brunette bite his lip nervously. He tried his best not to even look at Doyoung as he got some nods and smiles from Yuta, Jaehyun and Lucas while looking down the line. At the end he saw his old friend Mark.
He still looked like he had when Renjun and Donghyuck sent him off. With his black hair slicked back, wearing formal clothes as he did before. However, instead of a kind smile when he had reassured the honey haired boy that he would come back- Mark was completely void of any kind emotions as he didn't dare make eye contact with the brunette. And it was a fair choice, because despite everything, Renjun still had a large disliking in his friend's lies.
    Instead he caught the gaze of Jeno, who smiled the widest his way. With a palpitating heart, the smaller teen smiled back all the while fighting off a blush making it's way up his face. Looking back forward, he nearly growled as Riya chuckled knowingly and nudged his side discreetly.
    "Welcome to the final exams!" The blue haired teacher announced grandly as Lucas clapped loudly and cheered out. "Yes thank you Lucas!" Johnny smiled before turning back to the students. "You've all been through challenges of your own, facing problems that you could solve, and some... not so much. However, that will all change with this lovely test! Thanks to our nifty scientists, we were able to create a never before seen simulation! This neat little thing will be able to tap into what makes you... you. And it will test everything you learned since day one in lesson or not."
    Renjun's breathing became less orderly, but he forced himself to keep calm. It wasn't over just because of a little test, something that could totally reveal to them his identity. No, there was still hope. He had to believe there was still hope.
    "Your mentors will be able to view your results on this amazing TV screen that will tap into what's happening! Pretty pop culture like isn't it! I'm sure the one who made the idea had watched Divergent religiously before making the simulation. But don't fear! The concept is nothing similar to being a fear simulation! It is simply a test to see what you know and how to challenge you with finding out how to use your skills. I'm sure some of you are getting bored of my explanation and want to do it right away. Others might just want it to be over with. While select few of you are quaking in your shoes just thinking of all the ways you'll fail! So to cut all of it short...."
    Johnny's eyes flashed with excitement. "Let's begin."

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