Hydra, Vruydon: Chapter 24

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    Renjun wasn't able to function properly. He had no idea how to feel about this. He had no idea how to think. His body was trembling with shock and his head was spinning so fast he thought it would fall off his neck. The runaway near fell onto the ground spiralling below him. It couldn't be what he heard. He must've heard something completely different than what they were talking about. Perhaps his lack of sleep and the stress of Sicheng was getting to him at an unexpectedly fast pace. Perhaps the multiple times his head hit the mat during sparring was a factor. Maybe he just heard the names wrong.
    But deep down everything he heard was correct and he knew it. Renjun had no plans on accepting the fact anytime soon despite the heavy load of evidence. It was just too alarming and clear for him to understand properly. His mind had surely fogged up from everything. Nothing was working properly.
    Experiment? What the hell was Hydra doing experimenting on Goldenleaf? Was this the whole reason why the town was batshit crazy unusual? Was that it? That's all? Nothing else? And what was the problem with Donghyuck and Jaemin?
    Renjun couldn't understand it all, but at the same time it all made sense to him. And as he walked back to the dorms, that was the only thing running through his head.
    That and the reoccurring image of Donghyuck repeated on loop in his mind. The way the honey haired boy affectionately teased him; how his smile and energy could light up the room and in the end, Renjun's cold behaviour. It was them against the world. Nothing could tear them apart. They were basically two halves that were only complete when together. Except when that wasn't the case. When Donghyuck fell too hard. He fell and never hit the ground. He just kept falling. Deeper and deeper down the hole he had inevitably dug for himself.
    A lump formed in Renjun's throat and he cursed at himself.
    This wasn't what he wanted. He wanted nothing to do with his old friend. He didn't want to see his face. Not now. Not when he was too focused on the mission. He couldn't break down now, there were more important things to handle. Like everything else, the small teen tried to push this into the back of his mind to figure out at a better time. But as the voice of Doyoung was set to repeat in his head like a broken record, Renjun wasn't able to calm down his stuttering breath.
    These people were sick. The town hadn't been the exact reason for all the bullshit to occur. It was Hydra. Hydra made an experiment of Goldenleaf. And Donghyuck and Jaemin were the unfortunate fatalities that came from it. But no one from this sick company feels any sympathy from them. The brunette knew apathy when he heard it. That purple haired agent had most definitely held no remorse in possibly killing two teens. In fact the man sounded more disappointed in how it would affect the experiment.
    'Fucking bastard....' A fire was being fanned inside. Renjun was furious. How could this whole city be blind. They praise this company like they are the royal family. They see the advancements presented to them and assume everything is perfectly fine. No one knows about this. Not even the trainees who were promised employees. The brunette wasn't even sure if Mark or Johnny knew. 'If they do though.....'
    His hand reached for the doors of the dorm and with the same amount of stealth, he slipped through. He stared at the darkness of the room. He glanced at all his classmates sleeping soundly. No worry at all. Nothing to look back at. Their faces peaceful and calm. Renjun was certain that he would soon need to betray them. Whether it took him one day or a year to figure everything out. The time would come eventually.
    For now he crept into Jeno's room, where a single light was on. The white haired boy was sitting against the bed frame. He had a book propped up in his hand and his eyes were glued to the pages. His pink eyes were no more as the contacts lay against the nightstand. Now only the browns of his irises could focus intently against the words. However it had only been disturbed by the figure entering his bedroom. And with quick feet, the athlete was standing up and coming over.
    "You should've gotten some rest." Renjun started to whisper but he was smooshed by the taller boy's embrace. It was surprising to say the least and the brunette went red in shock. "Ha.. why are you so clingy all of a sudden? Were you actually scared for my-"
    "Of course I was." Jeno's voice was raspy and filled with emotions. Some familiar and some foreign. "I said the truth with what I said."
    "You didn't want to be alone in this." The brunette shifted around in the other's arms and lifted his head up to stare at the white haired boy who only nodded bashfully. "I get it, I mean I-"
    "I don't know if you do get it.."
    The grip on Renjun's waist became like solid metal. Jeno's eyes were glazed over with seriousness. His expression was nothing close to joking or acting out any pranks like Donghyuck would. It wasn't a calming or mocking expression made by Jisung. There was no trace of Jaemin's diabolical rose tinted eyes. Everything about Jeno's visage was perfectly, wholly Jeno. Nothing more nothing less.
    "What... what are you talking about?" The brunette was left breathless and the room went cold. He laughed nervously. "I did get back safely. I even got some information on what happened." His voice faltered at the end of his sentence and he couldn't bare looking at Jeno's intense gaze.
    The athlete's grip loosened. "Ah.... sorry..." He stepped back and Renjun felt the cold air hitting his warm face as he felt his heart beat. He was almost compelled to pull the white haired boy back to him. "You're probably tired and it must've been a tough mission. Just get some rest and we can talk about it in the morning."
    "Sounds like a plan..." He felt the camera flush against his chest, a sense of victory ran through him. The mission was in fact complete, and with excellent result. But Renjun couldn't help but feel as if the night went nothing close to right.

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