Forest: Chapter 6

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A/N: I decided to edit a bit of the last chapter so please read that first just incase some parts of the story seem a bit confusing.

A wave of dread washed over him and Renjun tensed up. 'Oh no is it those two again?'
He flinched. There was clearly no drop of intent in his body that wanted to confront those two scary men once again. Especially since the last time they had met, Renjun had scored a large cut and a truck that became completely damaged after. He certainly did not want any of this shelter to become another item on the list that was lost or damaged. But... why would they be coming around now after a week of Renjun still figuring out how to go about living in the forest? A small flicker of doubt grew. He needed to find out the situation before his imagination took over.
So with slow, deliberate movements, he cautiously peered through the crack of the boarded up window panes.
Instead of the strawberry blond and the brunette, there was a dark figure amongst the dense forest. They appeared to be much larger than Renjun and seemed to be packing more muscle than the blond as well. They were to far for him to distinguish any features. However, by the looks of it, they were approaching the shack he was situated in.
'Oh shit.' Renjun reeled back to scavenge the room for anything that could be used as a weapon. 'Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.'
He moved around the room and shifted things around, trying to find if anything was hidden. Pushing large pieces of furniture aside, rummaging around the drawers and piles. Even lying down on the ground and knocking the floorboards to find any secret compartments.
Finally, the panicked boy decided to open a large cardboard box and to both his pleasure and fear- found an array of weapons. There was a lot of variety, yet most of it consisted of guns and ammo. Which, despite the good use it could be in the situation Renjun thought himself to be in, he had no idea how to use things like that. So he dug deeper into the box, careful not to cut himself on any of the blades. His hands found grip on a solid handle and with all his might, he pulled out a large axe.
It looked rather standard for woodcutting, however the mysterious stains on it said it was kept for other purposes.
Renjun snapped out of the nervous state, stopping his mind before it whipped up some gore filled images.
Craning his neck to look back through the window, he found the person coming closer to his shelter. He was getting a better look at the silhouette, finding that they were in fact appearing to be a young man. The guy was wearing a large hoodie that covered two thirds of his face. Instead of looking similar to the other two Renjun had previously bumped into, this one was wearing more casual clothes. His hands deep in the pockets of his jeans as his dirty sneakers dug at the ground whilst he walked.
The blond relaxed a tiny bit and leaned back. This guy definitely did not look like someone trying to hunt him down. In fact he gave off the impression that he was just like Renjun, a runaway. Maybe they came from the same town and the blond could find some company to try and discuss some of the things.
He went back to check on the man but there was no sign of him anywhere. Suddenly all the reassurance he had thought up in mere minutes shattered into a million pieces. He heard the doorknob twisting and rattling from his right.
'What if they knew I was going to be suspicious of men dressed like agents and decided to send someone out who looked completely normal but actually isn't? He probably has some sort of gun hidden on his person or maybe....'
A million doubts and horrible scenarios ran into his head at once. Many of them ending in his bloody death one way or another. He forced himself not to make too much noise while having the mini panic attack and tried to compose himself. Taking in deep breaths, the smaller boy rolled his shoulders and tried to make himself look even an inch taller than he was. 'Please let this not be a Friday the 13 fiasco..'
Renjun gulped and stalked over to the wall. He made sure his movements were slow and precise. Through his small amount of time living there, the blond was able to find all the creaking spots on the floors. So he did his best to maneuver around those certain floorboards, keeping his breath slow. It was near shocking that the guy couldn't hear his pounding heart and roaring blood. But either way the doorknob was still shifting around.
Renjun pressed his back to the wooden surface, looking slightly through another window pane. This time. He only saw a blur.
With a loud screech the door burst open and the guy stumbled in.
The blond yelled out in surprise with no thought of what to do and raised his axe in the air.
Whipping around, the figure's strands of raven hair moved into the teens line of sight. Once he set eyes on the weapon in Renjun's hand they returned the yell. He scrambled back into a more balanced position and dashed off, leaving an almost imaginary cloud of dust behind him as he ran. Of course it could have actually been a real trial due to how dirty his shoes were when Renjun caught sight of them.
It took a moment to process what was actually going on and he snapped out of his instinctive, fearful trance. That man was certainly not part of the scary duo or their company. But he had still done something ultimately productive. He was able to scare the man away, even with how much size difference they had. However, the runaway wasn't going to let the man run off until he was sure that the guy would never bother him. For good.
Renjun ran out the door, freezing in his tracks to make sure to close it behind him carefully. Then chased after the other letting out another yell, meant to be a type of war cry on his part. His brown eyes were fiery with determination and he kept the axe at hip level. Making sure that it was visible every time the guy looked back. And it happened to work wonders because the figure was surely picking up his pace.
There were a few minutes of merely running in a straight direction before the guy realized it wasn't the best decision considering he was still visible to Renjun. So the man started to weave back and forth through the trees. He jumped over bushes. He would backtrack by inches to take a different route. He even tried to incorporate spins into his elaborate plan to runaway- probably trying to throw his chaser off. Still, Renjun was able to keep him in his sights.
The raven haired guy appeared more and more desperate to get away with every glance back.
It wasn't long until the man started reaching around as much as possible. Throwing random sticks and rocks in his attackers way to try and put more distance between them. From time to time he would look back and see Renjun gaining even more ground than the last time.
There was a scared expression on the strangers visage urging the new resident of the forest to grin. He gripped tighter onto his weapon and ran faster, ignoring how heavy the axe was getting. Renjun was too fuelled by adrenaline to really care at the moment and he knew he would regret that later on.
Besides, he just got the chance to show off how much more knowledge he had then the other. Renjun had been around the area long enough to figure out some shortcuts and routes so this normally difficult task proved to be easier. With his advantage in knowing certain landmarks and making a map beforehand, Renjun was sure to scare the intruder into never coming back. He applauded himself for deciding to go out once in a while to take a walk and collect his thoughts before. Because now, even with this man's amazing athleticism, the teen was able to catch up.
    He let out another yell and wildly swung his axe to one side, trying to get a reaction. In response the man opened his mouth to speak, however Renjun wasn't taking any chances- just in case this guy was an amazing persuader. He swung his axe around again, this time barely missing the others face.
    The stranger turned around completely and began attempting to dodge the blond's haywire antics. It wasn't going that well considering how wildly his attacker was swinging that weapon around. He caught a glimpse of the blade to see what looked to be red stains. That couldn't be good. He tried to get a good glance at his pursuers face but it kept being intercepted by the large blade. In general the man didn't get any time to catch the identity of his assailant.
    Renjun felt confusion spread throughout his body as he watched the guy stop his attempts to flee. His heart stopped but his arms kept swinging, becoming a bit more sloppy and weak. The raven haired man had become more calm than he had previously been as his lean figure easily dodged the attacks.
    Getting angry with how poorly his plan was turning out, Renjun raised the axe in the air and swung it downward.
    Upon seeing the movement so clearly, the intruder saw his chance to strike and side stepped. With quick movements He disarmed the weapon from the enraged teen and the boy collapsed in shock beneath his strong grip making both of them collapse.
    Renjun's back smacked against the ground beneath him as his breath left his body. He tried to regain his bearings and escape from this man's grip. However the person worth mentioning already had the blond's arm pinned above his head. The guy had easily straddled Renjun, his face being way more closer than before.
    He attempted to press further back against the ground and tried not to look. But in the end, his curiosity got the best of him and he cracked one eye open. What he saw made him gasp.

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